City of Salem IYO
Derby St & Central St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemPlease replace Pedestrian Walk Sign in this intersection. Blown away in rain storm.
City Street SignsLa qiray29 Valley St Salem 01970, United States - City of SalemThe speed sign on Valley St is not calibrated correctly. It says I am going 13Mph when I was doing about 5mph I stopped on purpose and it said I was doing 11mph.
Other - City IssuesLa qirayHighland Ave Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
There are NO speed limit signs going south from Salem Hospital all the way to the pedestrian bridge after Crowdis St. where there is a 35 mph sign. There is one 30 mph speed limit sign going south by Collins Middle School. One 30 mph sign fell down on the SW corner of Colby St. 3 years ago and has not been replaced! The speed limit is 30 mph on Highland Ave. from the pedestrian bridge going north but only one sign and not until you get to the Salem Hospital.
Result: Highland Ave. can be renamed "The Salem Speedway!"
Signs need to be posted every few blocks on this main north south road.
I would also suggest LOWERING the speed limit to 25 mph until the pedestrian bridge then up to 30 mph maximum to the Lynn line. Safety first! Many cars and trucks! also routinely go 45-50 when traffic is light....This was originally posted back on 6/20/2020 and NO new speed limit signs have yet been installed. On 6/26/2020, Officer Dana Mazola was killed by a speeding car (going 55 mph in a 25 mph zone) on Jefferson Ave. Please take action to stop the speeding! Enough said.
28 Puritan Road Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemMay we please have a new school/school crossing sign? The old one is difficult to see. Thank you.
24 Congress St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemEasy fix. There’s a few of these missing on the harbor walk as you walk towards congress street. They just need to be reattached. Thank you
City Street SignsLa qirayWest Ave Salem MA 01970, Verenigde Staten - City of SalemPlease add no turn on red signs on all approaches with bike boxes The MUTCD requires bike boxes to be built with no turn on red signs facing the direction of the bike box to keep people safe 2D "Turns on red shall be prohibited from the approach where a bicycle box is placed using a NO TURN ON RED (R10-11 series) sign."
Thanks -
29 Harbor St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salemwe've had several cars traveling fast the wong way on one-way Harbor St this week. I checked the cross streets and some have no "one-way" signs, there are no "wrong way" signs, and some others are hard to see. I hope the city can come check it out and help. i have several videos of the cars going the wrong way, appears to be accidentally, not intentional
City Street SignsLa qiray127 Derby St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemParking line need redrawn so cars aren't parking in front of the driveway. Difficult to turn in or out of this very narrow space.
City Street SignsLa qiray108 Marlborough Road Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemWe previously requested to have a hidden driveway sign installed near our residence on 108 Marlborough Rd, while we understand that will not slow down speeders, our driveway is hidden from drivers coming from Highland ave and whether they are speeding or not it is very difficult for them to slow down or for us to know if they are coming. So whether it is a mirror or a slow down hidden driveway sign for safety sake something needs to be put here.
City Street SignsLa qirayCanal St & Ocean Ave Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemBecause of the opening of Starbucks, there are more pedestrians trying to cross canal st, at ocean Ave. A pedestrian crossing light would be great! Like the one down the street, at the bike path.
City Street SignsLa qirayFranklin St & Foster St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemCan pedestrian crossing or similar signs be added to this crosswalk?
City Street SignsLa qiray5 Linden Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
This house used to have a single width, tandem driveway. After it was encroached upon too many times, they got the city to install a "No Parking, Driveway" sign. Last week they paved a two-car width driveway over their lawn (the city sidewalk and city curbs) effectively eliminating an entire on street space for parking.
Please remove the sign that gives them the ability to have cars towed and make it clear somehow that people are allowed to park on the street in front of their new "driveway."