City of Salem PLUS

Open Issues: 2 223 Closed Issues: 38 423 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 1 002
  • 28 Puritan Road Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
    May we please have a new school/school crossing sign? The old one is difficult to see. Thank you.
  • Franklin St & Foster St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
    Can pedestrian crossing or similar signs be added to this crosswalk?
  • 5 Linden Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem

    This house used to have a single width, tandem driveway. After it was encroached upon too many times, they got the city to install a "No Parking, Driveway" sign. Last week they paved a two-car width driveway over their lawn (the city sidewalk and city curbs) effectively eliminating an entire on street space for parking.

    Please remove the sign that gives them the ability to have cars towed and make it clear somehow that people are allowed to park on the street in front of their new "driveway."

  • Derby St & Central St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
    Please replace Pedestrian Walk Sign in this intersection. Blown away in rain storm.
  • Canal St & Ocean Ave Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    Because of the opening of Starbucks, there are more pedestrians trying to cross canal st, at ocean Ave. A pedestrian crossing light would be great! Like the one down the street, at the bike path.
  • 24 Raymond Road Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    The speed limit radar was knocked down about a month or two ago. Currently off and hanging by electrical tape and a wire.
  • 405 Essex Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem

    To whom it may concern.

    There needs to be a quite zone sign outside of 403 & 405 Essex Street Salem since people make noise from the hours of 6:00A.M. to 11:00P.M.
    Monday - Friday and there are people in the apartment building that are eldery and disabled that live in a private housing apartment building and also there are people in the apartment building that do work for a living where they sleep in the morning and also there are people in the building that would like peace & quite during those hours of the day and night and this has become a problem over the past couple of years and the city hasn't done anything about it so I hope something can happen soon.

    Thank you
    Tenant at 405 Essex Street Apt 2
    Salem MA

  • Canal St & Hancock St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    On this corner, there used to be a "no parking" sign on a telephone pole. It was moved to a different spot that makes it difficult to pull out of Hancock. Can the sign be moved back onto the telephone pole?
  • 93 Canal St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of Salem
    There should be a better signage for crossing. People are not stopping at the cross walk. Either looking at the phones or ignoring.
  • Brown St & Washington Sq Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    The pedestrian walk signal on the commons side isn’t blinking letting drivers know there’s an active crosswalk - it’s dangerous at night with the low lit area
  • 252-260 Bridge St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    This lamp post is making a VERY loud audible noise, it is failing and needs to be repaired before a larger issue happens.
  • 15 Summer Street Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    Could we please have illuminated "Yield" signs at this rotary? Many drivers need a stronger jolt to break the habit of sailing though the intersection, especially in the evening.