City of Salem 加
开放式问题: 2,224
已解决的问题: 38,403
已确认的问题: 1,018
22 Williams Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemNo parking signs from December are still up.
34 Willson Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemRequesting Do Not Block Driveway Sign in front of Driveways at 34 Willson Street
68 Proctor Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
Between 6 and 8 Proctor street receives a lot of loitering. People are just dropping their rubbish.
A No loitering sign will be highly appreciated if possible helps keep the neighborhood clean. Thank you
Puritan Rd & Witchcraft Rd Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemPioneer Circle resident requested four (4) stop signs at this intersection.
174-180 Washington St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThere is a sign at this intersection indicating that the Registry of Deeds is still at Shetland Park. Can it be removed?
Parallel St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemIs it possible to get "no dumping" signs on Parallel Street near the Jefferson Ave./Adams Street area?
53–99 Sylvan St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemIs there any way to get a "Do Not Enter" sign at the outlet from Sylvan Street onto Dunlap St? Currently there is only a "One Way" sign and I have seen multiple cars recently driving the wrong direction down the street; today I almost collided with one coming out the wrong way as I was trying to turn onto Sylvan from Tremont St. More and better signage could prevent an accident.
19 Rice Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemPlease put No Parking This Side sign on telephone pole at end of rice st, left side. Cars park here and block access to fire hydrant and doesn’t allow room for cars to enter or leave driveways.
292 Jefferson Avenue Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemLane Dividers on hill are hit and broken, need to be replaced
11 1/2 Mason Street Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemTraffic signals needed on mason street! I currently have a man sitting on my front stoop talking to the police and about to get into an ambulance because he was hit on his moped on Mason St. Myself and neighbors have made many requests to have some sort of stop signs, speed limit or speed bumps put out but nothing has been done. Someone was literally hit and I am hoping this is the wake call for the town to do something. We have children that live on this street and pedestrian that frequently cross. I myself have almost been hit by a car speeding down the block.
198 Loring Ave Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemSlow down sign would suffice but it seems the city of salem doesn't really care that this is a neighborhood full of children because this request has been made multiple times and no one responds or takes action.