City of Salem 加
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64-74 Federal St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemIs it possible to get a no turn on red at Federal and north street on the courthouse block? The visibility is poor due to trees and plantings, cars constantly honk at cars not turning on red. Recently cars have been going around cars by jumping the curb to get out onto north street. Drivers need to realize that from federal people can also go straight down the ramp to bridge street and not just right at north street. It has escalated to people yelling at each other when cars won’t turn either and seems to be through traffic off Washington trying to skip the light at Washington and bridge street exacerbating the problem. If federal at the courthouse also had speed bumps to slow the traffic and make it a less appealing “time saver” cut through it would minimize the aggression at the intersection.
388–398 Washington St Salem MA 01970, Verenigde Staten - City of SalemThe right turn on red for 114 onto Lafayette is extremely dangerous and should be illegal The MUTCD suggests this should be a no turn on red, as the intersection is skewed, and there is an exclusive pedestrian phase Please install NO TURN ON RED signs to face 114 for traffic heading out of Salem Thank you
235 Jefferson Ave Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThere is an issue at the corner of Wheatland St and Jefferson Ave It is difficult to pull out onto Jefferson Ave from Wheatland St due to a couple of issues in front of 235 Jefferson Ave There is a space in the street that has a faded painted white box in the street that lets cars know not to park there Also, there is a street sign letting vehicles know not to parked up to the corner that is completely faded and unreadable Due to this faded sign and faded painted box in the street, vehicles sometimes park there Could this issue please be addressed The cost is minimal to replaced the sign and paint another box in the street in front of 235 Jefferson Ave
45 Linden Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem2 resident parking signs on Linden (near Hersey) are faded and enforcement not being done as a result.
Brown St & Washington Sq Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThe pedestrian walk signal on the commons side isn’t blinking letting drivers know there’s an active crosswalk - it’s dangerous at night with the low lit area
North St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe placement of this sign for the Salem station parking lot blocks the visibility of the oncoming lane so that if you’re turning left, you can’t really see oncoming traffic, which feels dangerous
3 Dodge Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemCross walk sign was knocked down. Placed on the side
15 Orient Way Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemMay we please have a blind person crossing sign in this area?
Puritan Rd & Witchcraft Rd Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemPioneer Circle resident requested four (4) stop signs at this intersection.
1 Sewall Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
To whom it may concern.
There seems to be a problem at 1 Sewall Street Salem MA at the YMCA there is never any place to park when this should be a private parking lot for members of the YMCA and Ames Hall and for local tenants that live in the apartments on Washington Street and Lynde Street and in Salem Housing there always seem to be a problem with parking every single day so the city of Salem needs to make this a private parking lot that is not open to the public due to the Salem YMCA and other tenants that live in the apartments around the area and for public parking people should use other areas in Salem to park and not the YMCA parking lot.
174-180 Washington St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThere is a sign at this intersection indicating that the Registry of Deeds is still at Shetland Park. Can it be removed?
Barton St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemResident sticker parking signs are faded along the entire street.