OLD City of Richmond PIU
Problemi aperti: 395
Problemi chiusi: 180.615
Problemi presi in atto: 2.954
Abandoned CarsApri12 S Sheppard St Richmond, VA 23221, USA - CarytownCar has been parked in same location and too far from curb for several weeks
Abandoned CarsApri309 S Rowland St Richmond, VA 23220, USA - Byrd ParkTruck with expired inspection has not moved in weeks. Appears to be inoperable.
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto320 N Monroe St Richmond, Virginia - Jackson WardThere is an abandon vehicle in front of property; red Honda CRV; no tags
Abandoned CarsApri931 W Leigh St Richmond, Virginia - CarverJeep in the back of the home with no plates. Homeless person starting to live in the car.
Abandoned CarsApri502 Tarpley Rd Richmond, Virginia - Westoveraddress has numerous broke down cars in driveway and on street in front of house makes the whole block looks bad
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto727 N. 24 Richmond, Virginia - Union Hillon the north side of the above address, in the travel lane about 3' from the curb, red sedan lic # VDD-8462, inoperable due to flat tire...on site at that location for more than 2 weeks.
Abandoned CarsApri5314 Horne Street Richmond, Virginia - Richmond Precinct 3At this location is a car that have been sitting in the front for about 5 months tag number VHI6917
Abandoned CarsApri2405 E Clay St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Church HillTrailer not attached to vehicle blocking parking
Abandoned CarsApri504 N 26th St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Church HillExpired inspection, tags go next month
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto29th St Between Broad And Marshall Richmond, Virginia - Church Hill
Black Chevy Impala. License WYU-3308
been parked in same location for approx 2 months.
Abandoned CarsRiconosciutoHenrico Drive & Pelham Dr. Richmond, Virginia - Green ParkThis car, pictures attached, has been here for several days. The people that live in the house where the car is beside, doesn't know who's car it is.