OLD City of Richmond PIU
Problemi aperti: 395
Problemi chiusi: 180.615
Problemi presi in atto: 2.954
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto2600 Edgewood Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Northern Barton HeightsWhite car sitting in front of 2600 Edgewood Avenue. No plate on vechile and expire state inspection from 2013. Please remove the car, it's a eye sore to the negighborhood. Have been there going on 2 weeks.
Abandoned CarsApri931 W Leigh St Richmond, Virginia - CarverJeep in the back of the home with no plates. Homeless person starting to live in the car.
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto3504 S Belmont Richmond, Virginia - Belmont WoodsSilver Malibu KDU6172 out of date tags and inspection - parked on stret
Abandoned CarsRiconosciutoWarwick Village Dr Richmond, Virginia - Woodhaven2 vehicle, Chrysler Pacifica & Nissan Centra, Chrysler (two flates), Nissan (bad tags & decals)
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto320 N Monroe St Richmond, Virginia - Jackson WardThere is an abandon vehicle in front of property; red Honda CRV; no tags
Abandoned CarsApri2025 Rosewood Ave Richmond, Virginia - Byrd ParkThere is an abandoned car on the corner of this street; it is a blue Mini coupe; sticker and plates are expired
Abandoned CarsApri2800 E. Grace St Richmond, Virginia - Church Hill
Gold Jeep Cherokee
has been sitting for months and has personal stuff in itCharlotte Cerr reporting
Abandoned CarsApri504 N 26th St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Church HillExpired inspection, tags go next month
Abandoned CarsApri9 S Sheppard St Richmond, VA 23221, USA - Carytownmore of a bike than a car. but abandoned for several months.
Abandoned CarsApri309 S Rowland St Richmond, VA 23220, USA - Byrd ParkTruck with expired inspection has not moved in weeks. Appears to be inoperable.
Abandoned CarsRiconosciuto310 N 33rd St Richmond, Virginia - ChimborazoA Hyundai has been parked on Marshall for over two weeks with expired tags and has not moved. It is located on the south side of Marshall St. between 32nd and 33rd. The rear of the car has damage to it and it has some temporary tires on it as well.