City of Alameda PLUS

Open Issues: 1,050 Closed Issues: 89,584 Acknowledged Issues: 4,738
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    Island Dr & Mecartney Rd Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - Alameda
    Street name signs very faded. Can we get new signs for MeCartney Road x Island Drive at this location please?
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    W Atlantic Ave & Ferry Pt Alameda, California, 94501 - Alameda
    The stop sign at West Atlantic & Ferry Point is fully obstructed. You can't see it until you've past it. I almost killed Stoia.
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    3301 Central Ave Alameda, CA 94501, USA - Alameda
    Street sign is missing or there is an unnecessary pole.
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    1701 Harbor Bay Pkwy Alameda, California, 94502 - Alameda
    Sign has been hit and is badly leaning
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    Haight Ave & Linden St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda

    Create 4 way stop at Haight and Linden. Add stop sign on Haight st at the intersection of Linden.

    Children cross the street to go to the park and cars speed above 35 mph through the intersection.

  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    Packet Landing Rd Alameda CA 94502, United States - Alameda
    Sign for turning lanes is cracked
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    1545 Mozart St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    Someone posted SIGNS:
    June 7 to June 25.
    On both sides of Mozart St. this morning.
    There is no Alameda City Depart., or any other indentfying name or phone number.
    It is outlandish to deny parking on both sides of Mozart St. for almost three weeks. We residents NEED and are entitled to park on our street. Please look into this and reply to me ASAP.
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    1586 Pacific Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    Location 1584 Pacific Ave.
    Some type of truck hit this sign and needs to be repaired
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    564 Park St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    There is damage on the left corner of Lanes Merge (W4-2) sign and possibly on the sign itself. This is located on the southeast corner of Park St at Otis Dr on a traffic light pole.
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    Constitution Way Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    The street sign for Buena Vista Ave facing northbound has white colored graffiti.
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    Park St & Webb Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    The No U-Turn (R3-4) sign on the southeast corner of Park St at Webb Ave is faded which includes the red parts of the sign.
  • Street SignsAcknowledged
    1630 Park St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    The Yield Here to Pedestrians (R1-5a) sign is faded, and there is also graffiti on the rear of the sign. This is on the eastern part of the street before the crossing.