City of Alameda PLUS
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida8th St & Buena Vista Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
Trying to cross Buena vista at oth today almost resulted in a pedestrian getting hit by a car. I've posteo this concern before (as many others have as well) ... this is a high traffic pedestrian crossing - many people use 8th Street to access the walkways at Jean Sweeney Park, both with and without their dogs. Today a car almost hit my husband while we were attempting a safe crossing. The car literally cut in between the two of us, almost resulting in injury.
I'd love to have pedestrian crossing lights installed here to help pedestrians cross SAFELY. Cars park along Buena vista making it extremely difficult to see pedestrians waiting at the corner to cross.
It's only gotten worse as more and more vehicles ignore speed limits on Buena Vista.Thank you for your consideration.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida3rd St & Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
A 'no right turn on red' sign was installed at 3rd street turning east onto RAMP. Now that schools are back in session, it is impossible to make a right turn when kids are going to school, which causes a traffic snarl on 3rd street as vehicles aren't able to legally turn right which also delays kids from getting to school. When the light is green for cars on 3rd street, the crosswalks are full of kids and families going to school. During previous school years, the only safe time to make that right turn was when the west-bound traffic from RAMP turning left onto 3rd had a green arrow.
Please install a Right Turn Signal so the traffic signal controls right turns at this intersection rather than just a 'no turn on red' sign. The current iteration is not safe.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecidaRalph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy & Webster St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
Two incidents. Driver turning right whilst walking sign lit, cut in-between pedestrian and wheelchair user. Pedestrian tried to get driver's attention to the wheel chair but they paused, and just accelerated through instead.
Returning across crossing minutes later, another driver ignored no turn on red. Pedestrian shouted at them but driver just waved and drove through regardless. Near miss wheelchair user isn't an option.
PLEASE get police presence for a while. Someone is going to get hurt. It'll be a child.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida2700 Otis Dr Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaWhen approaching Otis from Pearl St., it is very difficult and dangerous to turn right into the second lane in order to go straight on Otis (instead of the turn right onto Broadway lane), due to the # of cars and their unwillingness to let cars turn onto Otis. In order to turn into the second lane, one needs to be very aggressive. That intersection needs to be painted “keep clear”.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida700 Atlantic Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaDriver didn't stop at the stop line rolling into bake lanes and child pedestrians. Needs better signage and a speed bump or something.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1700 3rd St Alameda, California, 94501 - AlamedaMany cars speed down on Pacific, mostly at night when they're going to the base. t's not just loud, but also dangerous as often they run the red light on Pacific & 3rd. We'd like a speed bump or speed cameras on the road to prevent cars racing down the street.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecidaClay St & Mound St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaI have witnessed, since school is back in session many elementry school children crossing Clay St at Mound St having near misses with cars not coming to a complete stop on Clay St. There needs to be a crosswalk there to protect these young children. Please!
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida2170 Pacific Ave Alameda, CA 94501, USA - Alamedawalking my kids home from school someone felt confident enough to speed up above 25 mph while we were in the school zoned crosswalk and they were driving towards us. I managed to get all the kids thru but what if we hadn't sped up and gotten through all the way? would that car just slam on its brakes? keep going? what is the plan here? and it's like that all the time there
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1025 Regent St Alameda, California, 94501 - AlamedaHi! Thank you so much for helping us.
We have lived on Regent St (cross st Otis st) for 12+ years. For the last two years cars speed down Regent St soooooooo fast.
Probably closer to 35-40 mph and slam on their breaks right before Otis.
We have so many apartment buildings and multi unit buildings on our street. Kids and seniors walking dogs. Seniors in wheel chairs, walkers, canes, so many children and pregnant people that cannot run fast enough trying to cross the street to get to their car as a cars are racing down our street out of nowhere. It has been so unsafe to cross our quiet neighborhood now. Please tell us what we can do to slow cars down. We can not even safely back out of our driveways. Please help us. We have 3 children and we absolutely do not let them bike around our neighborhood. It is so dangerous. Especially during drop off and pick up school hours. Cars don’t want to wait on Otis and Broadway and they fly through Regent instead. Please help us. -
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1800-1800 Sandcreek Way Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaThe new Wood Lodge has closed drop off zones on Grand St & Otis Dr. Asking everyone to drop off on Sandcreek Way. Multiple cars speeding down Sandcreek Way for drop off & pick up. Now that No Turn on red from Otis to Willow turning right so many more cars are taking Sandcreek instead. Multiple family's live here with young children & this is how kids walk to Wood middle. We NEED Speed bumps!
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida2402 Clement Ave Alameda CA 94501, United States - AlamedaThe new red zone on eastbound Clement Avenue at Park Street is still routinely being used as a pickup zone for children leaving the adjacent business. It’s incredibly dangerous and also further complicates traffic flow at this already-congested intersection Perhaps a much larger sign saying NO STOPPING ANY TIME would be in order?
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida2700 5th St Alameda CA 94501, United States - AlamedaVehicles speeding down this road, rarely slowing down at this crossing This applies to both cars and busses/shuttles Speed bumps, additional lane markings, anything that helps slow vehicles down will be appreciated