City of Alameda PLUS

Solicitações em aberto: 916 Questões Encerradas: 90.601 Solicitações Reconhecidas: 4.653
  • Mecartney Rd Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - Alameda
    I echo the complaint that it is very difficult to turn left onto Mecartney from Ironwood because of traffic. However, it is made even more challenging by the height and fullness of the plants in the median. They have gotten so big you cannot see cars when looking right. We also need the flashing beacons to be installed on the crosswalk ASAP.
  • 37.77980 -122.28783 - Alameda
    Thanks for installing no turn on red signs at this intersection However, these are being ignored by drivers, we saw at least 6 cars turn against the signs at school drop-off
  • 3rd St & Haight Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    Kids have returned to school and so have the lunch time and after school speeding cars. Cars driving very fast, 40-50 mph, down third street away from Encinal high school starting just after Noon. Then back toward Encinal HS just before 1pm. Speeding also occurs after school lets out, just before 4 most days. This is regular and predictable. Many kids are also biking and walking along and across 3rd st. at these times, making the speeding even more dangerous.
  • Grove St & Jackson St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    Grove Street at or near Jackson Street. Resident is requesting installation of all-way stop signs or speed humps to address speeding on Grove Street.
  • 2540-2628 Mecartney Rd Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - Alameda
    Cars drive faster than 25mph regularly along Mecartney, but especially during weekend evenings. They regularly blow the four way stop signs on Mecartney and Aughinbaugh. Street racers regularly come from Oakland and use Mecartney to race, without regard for pedestrians. Speed bumps are needed. It is a matter of time before a child is hit and killed by these speeders.
  • Harbor Bay Pkwy & Maitland Dr Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - Alameda
    Car stopped and ran red light and turning left into maitland. Need red light camera here or have Alameda Traffic Police to give tickets to drivers driving bad around business park. People know the police doesn’t ticket like they used to in Alameda do they behave poorly.
  • 37.78019 -122.29474 - Alameda
    I was nearly hit by a car when I was crossing. Car didn't even realize I was in the crosswalk, and sped off. There's so many similar reports here. Do we need somebody to be injured before anything will be done?
  • 95 W Atlantic Ave Alameda, California, 94501 - Alameda
    Two cars did not stop for my son and I to cross the cross walk. This was on a Saturday. In addition cars were speeding. It appears to be vistors outside of Alameda. Request officer to come on weekend to monitor and give tickets.
  • Buena Vista Ave & Willow St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    I was walking across Buena Vista on the Willow crosswalk at 8:50am after dropping off my kids at school. A car heading westbound on buena vista was clearly going over the speed limit as I was halfway across. I had to yell at them to stop, “are you going to stop?!” and they finally stopped a few feet away from me. The driver said “No, there isn’t a stop sign”. So I replied with “it’s California law to stop if a pedestrian is on a crosswalk.” There have been countless encounters here. We walk to school every day with about 10 small kids from our neighborhood. Too many people have requested a 4-way stop sign. What is preventing this from happening?
  • 8th St & Buena Vista Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda

    Trying to cross Buena vista at oth today almost resulted in a pedestrian getting hit by a car. I've posteo this concern before (as many others have as well) ... this is a high traffic pedestrian crossing - many people use 8th Street to access the walkways at Jean Sweeney Park, both with and without their dogs. Today a car almost hit my husband while we were attempting a safe crossing. The car literally cut in between the two of us, almost resulting in injury.

    I'd love to have pedestrian crossing lights installed here to help pedestrians cross SAFELY. Cars park along Buena vista making it extremely difficult to see pedestrians waiting at the corner to cross.
    It's only gotten worse as more and more vehicles ignore speed limits on Buena Vista.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • 3rd St & Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda

    A 'no right turn on red' sign was installed at 3rd street turning east onto RAMP. Now that schools are back in session, it is impossible to make a right turn when kids are going to school, which causes a traffic snarl on 3rd street as vehicles aren't able to legally turn right which also delays kids from getting to school. When the light is green for cars on 3rd street, the crosswalks are full of kids and families going to school. During previous school years, the only safe time to make that right turn was when the west-bound traffic from RAMP turning left onto 3rd had a green arrow.

    Please install a Right Turn Signal so the traffic signal controls right turns at this intersection rather than just a 'no turn on red' sign. The current iteration is not safe.

  • Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pkwy & Webster St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda

    Two incidents. Driver turning right whilst walking sign lit, cut in-between pedestrian and wheelchair user. Pedestrian tried to get driver's attention to the wheel chair but they paused, and just accelerated through instead.

    Returning across crossing minutes later, another driver ignored no turn on red. Pedestrian shouted at them but driver just waved and drove through regardless. Near miss wheelchair user isn't an option.

    PLEASE get police presence for a while. Someone is going to get hurt. It'll be a child.