City of Alameda PLUS
Solicitações em aberto: 926
Questões Encerradas: 90.677
Solicitações Reconhecidas: 4.634
Pedestrian or Bicycle Access IssuesReconhecida37.78300 -122.27547 - AlamedaBike path has lots of tree roots coming up. Very dangerous at night especially because it's dark too.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida302 Maitland Dr Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - AlamedaMaitland Drive between Melrose and Fitchburg: Repaint broken yellow center line, to discourage traffic from drifting into oncoming vehicles; potential for head-on collisions.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1100 Park Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaI have noticed that the car speed down Park Ave and it feels unsafe for the residents and the many little children that live on this street. It is especially concerning because it is very close to the park. Is there a way to get speed bumps or something to deter speeding on this street?
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida300-362 Grand St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaMonday 10/3 around 8:50am, I observed a car speeding along Shoreline westbound towards Grand at about 35-40mph, blowing through the stop sign at the Grand intersection and narrowly missing/swerving around a left turning vehicle already in the middle of the intersection completing its turn from southbound Grand to eastbound Shoreline. Fortunately, no incident, but another ’near miss’ at this intersection that is highly concerning.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1701-1799 Lafayette St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaI would like to request a painted crosswalk across Buena Vista at Lafayette. Schiller and Union have one but no such marking at Lafayette and it would really help with safe crossing there. Especially because cars are often accelerating out of the stop sign at Chestnut. I had previously submitted this as a traffic calming suggestion in March 2021 and was redirected (also in 2021...sorry I've been slow) to post it under this category. Thanks!
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1088-1112 W Midway Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaThe dividing line markings on the block of West Midway between Monarch St. and Lexington at Alameda Point are unclear and confusing. Multiple times I've seen cars driving east on the wrong side of the middle line and heading straight-on at cars traveling west on West Midway at the curve after Lexington. It is extremely dangerous. It is a very wide street and drivers are totally confused about the lane markings.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecidaCoronado Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaCoronado street is becoming more and more unsafe with drivers speeding on the street, ignoring stop signs, and doing donuts in the street. There is a children's park on this street as well and it's unnerving to think how unsafe the drivers are being on the street with all the kids always around. It's only a matter of time until a horrible accident occurs. We should have stop signs installed at each intersection on these blocks of Coronado and speed bumps installed as well.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecidaAtlantic Ave & Constitution Way Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaWhile biking eastbound on Atlantic Ave, while in the bike lane, I continued riding my bike to cross Constitution Ave since my signal was green. A car turning right onto Constitution nearly hit me, and only had stopped because they had seen pedestrians crossing Constitution seconds before. I would like the city to address making this bike lane safer from drivers who do not check the bike lane before turning. This is a consistent issue for me, where the most protected bike lane in the city is the most dangerous because of drivers who do not check before they turn.
Street Safety ConcernReconhecidaLincoln Ave & Walnut St Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - AlamedaPlease add a traffic light at the intersection of Walnut and Lincoln. I fear that people have been so used to speeding down Lincoln that they'll just avoid the flashing pedestrian lights. Tonight, a motorcyclist stopped for my husband, my mother, my 4 year old and my 8 month old to cross the street. Behind him was a speeding car that showed no signs of slowing down, so my husband yelled and waved his arms around like crazy at the motorcyclist to move out of the way or for the driver to notice and stop. Luckily, the motorcyclist stepped on the gas and got out of the way JUST in time. Thank goodness he was not hit because at the speed this lady was going, he would have gone flying. If it wasn't him, it would have been my family crossing the street! Please do something to keep residence safe! People speed down Lincoln like it's nothing. They don't even care that they are close to the police station. Please do something! I do not want to see that my message has just been "Acknowledged." I want action!
Street Safety ConcernReconhecidaNottingham Dr & Sea View Pkwy Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - AlamedaSea View Parkway from Sheffield to Auginbaugh is unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists due to the the high speed of automobiles. It is a residential area with children and adults going to nearby schools (Bay Farm and Earhart), along the shoreline and at the parks. Cars speed along here at extremely high rates of speed.
solution: Speed bumps at the cross street Nottingham, Brunswick Way, and Avington. Also Pedestrian lights at the crosswalk at Nottingham. Also better patrolling of traffic along this street.
Someone is going to get hurt if something isn't doe to reduce speeding on Sea View Parkway. -
Street Safety ConcernReconhecida1900 Otis Dr Alameda, California, 94501 - AlamedaResident is concerned about the very fast drivers on 1900 Otis and there has been 3 accidents. Would like to have speed pumps. Contact Deanna Karic at 510-521-2383.