City of Alameda PLUS

Open Issues: 1,012 Closed Issues: 87,037 Acknowledged Issues: 3,999
  • 660 Haight Avenue Alameda, California - Alameda
    Graffiti on AMP Pole
  • 448 Marshall Way Alameda, CA - Alameda
    streetlight was knocked down or taken out 6 months ago, never replaced. Please put new streetlight in.
  • Atlantic Avenue Alameda, CA - Alameda
    Street lights out on the north side of Atlantic Avenue, pole #791 and #721
  • SidewalksAcknowledged
    2516 Santa Clara Ave Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    An access panel in the public sidewalk at 2510 Central Ave. is covered with plywood instead of a more durable cover. I see this as a trip hazard. The sidewalk has many such access panels from different organization such as the city and various funk companies and cable TV companies I don’t know who’s box this is.
  • 65 Mecartney Rd Alameda, CA, 94502, USA - Alameda
    Tree grown into high voltage lines and burning. Please implement a tree trimming program that prevents trees from touching Hv lines.
  • 1068 Park Ave Alameda CA 94501, United States - Alameda
    Cut cable hanging
  • SidewalksAcknowledged
    15 Chatham Pt Alameda 94502, United States - Alameda
    Sidewalk has cracked at telephone access box and lifted at least 2 inches. Huge trip hazard
  • 1021 Versailles Ave Alameda, California, 94501 - Alameda
  • 1413 Everett St Alameda CA 94501, United States - Alameda
    Box is trip hazard
  • 1501 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda, CA - Alameda
    The pull box on the corner of Harbor Bay Parkway and North Loop Rd. the electric pull box is broken and needs replacement.
  • 722 Haight Ave Alameda CA 94501, United States - Alameda
    Some type of power line hanging through tree, close to sidewalk
  • 1417 Everett St Alameda 94501, United States - Alameda
    This sidewalk cover is soft, has a hole in it and should be considered a tripping hazard and liability. We have had our clients report this item to us and seen people trip (but not fall) at this spot. Please look into replacing cover as this particular cover looks/feels beyond repairable.