CT Transit - New Haven PLUS
Offene Fälle: 72
Geschlossene Fälle: 72
Anerkannte Fälle: 7
General Bus Request/IncidentAnerkannt737-755 Edgewood Avenue New Haven, CT 06515, USA - WestvilleCT Transot bus does not stop for pedestrian in crosswalk just now. Please site driver.
428-598 Wintergreen Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville ManorNeed an actual bus stop here to shield
people from the elements -
165 Church St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Town_Green
New Havens very expensive (~ $695) Davis Vantage Pro 2 @ City Hall (as referenced @ https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KCTNEWHA32
Appears to have not been working, or @ least, transmitting to Weather Underground for several months.
Perhaps the powers that be can get it back on line soon.
In the interim, citizens shoulkd direct their respective browsers to:
Courtesy of Chapel St Historic District.
Concord Street New Haven, Connecticut - East ShoreBus 352 speeding at 831pm. Turned around and back down within one minute. 941 bus the same. Everynight. Speeding. Speeding through red lights. Blowing through stop signs. Almost hit me at 831 bus...what is going to slow these buses down before they kill someone?
Cottage Street New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - East RockYale bus 24, driving fast and not respecting pedestrian priority on street crossing on Cottage Street
102-120 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut - Town_GreenMultiple shattered glass panels in bus shelter on Temple Street on southwest corner of Crown Street -- adjacent to Kelly House.
224 Edgewood Ave New Haven 06511, United States - DwightGOcT card has been down all week. The website is also not taking payments.
General Bus Request/IncidentAnerkannt52 Edgewood Ave New Haven Ct 06511 United States - DwightHave been walking the route watching for the bus. The tracker says it's here but it's not
143 Adeline St New Haven, CT 06519, USA - HillBlocked side walk **BOTH SIDES .Blocking the path of ongoing traffic to Ella's Grasso Blvd == No two way traffic due to the amount of "JUNK " cars parked. Large Box blocking side walk that NEVER MOVES ..
Bus causing dangerÖffnenConcord Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
Bus stopping multiple times along Concord that are not bus stops causing traffic issues and placing pedestrians at risk.
Also not making full stops at stop signs.
15 Goffe Terr New Haven CT 06511, United States - Beaver HillsMissing bus stop sign at Goffe and Winthrop, toward West Hills.