City of Medford PLUS
Fulton St & Fulton Spring Rd Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordThere is no crosswalk across Fulton Spring at the 4 way stop. Cars are constantly coming up during rush hour and cutting across Fulton to get over to Malden. They fly through our neighborhood with no regard for pedestrian traffic. At the very least, we need a 4 way crosswalk. Maybe some flashing crossing signs. Maybe the city of Medford should request to be hidden from the Wayz app for safety purposes.
12-38 Salem St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
Can the City please consider painting a crosswalk in front of El Tacuba? This is a popular spot and there are frequent people crossing the street directly in front of 35 Salem St.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dead Animalمفتوح2501 Mystic Valley Parkway Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordDead goose next to Condon Shell by walking path
Dog Off Leashمفتوح02155 Medford, MA, USA - MedfordPlease do something about this! There are dogs off leash here virtually every day and owners are not in control, and do not care about the rules — they actively dismiss any civil complaints. I have brought this up several times, and each time my issue is "resolved" with a comment saying "we will look into this", which is never done. I have called the office and no one answers. What's the problem that's preventing us from enforcing safety laws around Elementary schools?
28 Ravine Road Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordEverywhere else is dry, yet there is a constant drainage problem with this puddle here. No doubt as others have indicated that the road issues and potholes are related to this. Wanted to share the photo to further support the case. The grate across the street is dry but dovered with some debri and periodically impacted by a neighbor's french drainage.
It appears to be working while water sits across the stree. Standing water, debris, erosion, flooding. -
28 Ravine Rd Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
There is an existing storm sewer (at the center left of the photo) just beyond the far end of the puddle. The existing storm sewer is at the corner of Sagamore Ave. and Ravine Road on this block. But there is currently no storm sewer at the corner of Ravine Road and Shepherd Road, at the near end of the puddle (in the photo). Hence the puddle.
Perhaps an important detail: there has evidently been good bit of recent erosion along the far side of Shepherd Road, forming a long narrow gully (in the photo, on the right) that has perhaps previously been filled with crushed stone and/or gravel, but continues to be washed away.
Perhaps, decades ago when these roads were perhaps first installed, it was graded so that the water drained to the far sewer (in the photo). This is no longer the case, except partially perhaps during a storm.
But it may have always been like this. More likely it was perfect with little margin for any change in grade caused by erosion and geologic forces.
There is a persistent weak geologic force toward the northwest. A combination of that and the erosion, which may be entraining sediments from under the roadway, has perhaps slightly lowered Ravine Road in the vicinity of and now slanting toward the intersection with Shepherd Road.
It is also likely that, over the course of many decades, Sagamore Ave. has been elevated by a few inches.
Perhaps the best solution would be to install an additional storm sewer at the corner of Ravine Road and Shepherd Road (in the photo) and connect it to the existing storm sewer just beyond the far end of the puddle (in the photo).
Re-grading the intersection so that water drains as perhaps originally designed might be very complex.
As further evidence that the change is partly geologic: there is another -- much smaller -- puddle that forms at the opposite corner of Sagamore Ave. and Ravine Road, just south of another existing (seemingly "newer") storm sewer. This other small puddle probably usually dries within a day.
Sewer backed upمفتوح87 Otis Street Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordCatch basin full. Water doesn’t go down
Drainage/Flooding Issueتم إقراره75 Governors Ave Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordLarge back up of water in front of 79 Governors Avenue causing issues for some cars and potentially a major black ice issue once the temp drops.
17 Doane Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordWe keep reporting this but nothing happens. The curbs are too low and the catch basin needs to be cleaned out as this happens every time in heavy rain. The photo shows the street and sidewalk, with the curtilage completely submerged.
14 Chardon Road Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordLower Chardon Road (towards Playstead Park) is flooding. Drains must be clogged.
Otherمفتوح20 Sherwood Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordHello, during the wind and rain storm on Monday, the street in front of 16-20 Sherwood Rd flooded (picture attached) The floodwater deposited loads of leaves, sticks and mud from the entire neighborhood (this is the low point) Is there any way this can be cleaned up by a crew or a street cleaner? Even if we clean it up, we have nowhere to put all the debris Thanks!a