City of Medford PIU

Problemi aperti: 1.374 Problemi chiusi: 22.883 Problemi presi in atto: 1.754
  • 71 Hume Avenue Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
    Hi! There is a medium sized tree branch that feel in the street and was moved to the sidewalk. Thanks in advance for picking it up. Much appreciated.
  • 9 Trainor Ave Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
  • 65 Doonan St Medford 02155, United States - Medford
    Broken tree branch hanging from utility lines.
  • 34 Wareham Street Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Brocken large branch hanging from tree
  • 80 Governors Ave Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    Several dead 40+ footers on the Terrace Road slope on Governors Ave. across from Hall
  • 23–99 Rock Hill St Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    Tree climbs falling on the wired fences and could fall down to the underneath property (8 Wolcott Park Medford)
  • 211–217 Park St Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    Tree limb broken hanging down scratching top of cars
  • 18 Brogan Rd Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    large tree branch came down into Hickey Park during 7/21/23 storm
  • 85 Wason St Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    There’s a very large branch teetering on another branch and very close to falling on a passing car on the road or pedestrian on the sidewalk. Can this please be expedited? Bestt case it’s a danger to property; worst case it’s a danger to a person and / or pet.
  • 14 Wheelwright Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    A branch has fallen on Wheelwright Road at the beginning of the street at the corner of Playstead Road
  • 28 Bradshaw Street Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
    Constantly branches falling from this tree. It needs a good trim all around.
  • 2–48 Terrace Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    dead trunk about 40 footer. On the slope/sidewalk side of terrace rd. across from the wall