City of Medford PIU
Problemi aperti: 1.374
Problemi chiusi: 22.883
Problemi presi in atto: 1.754
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto41 Hillcroft Park Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordA large branch in a huge pine tree getting ready to fall. It is hanging over our driveway. The photo was taken with a zoom lens to show how close this branch is to falling down. It is about 20-25ft from the ground.
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto140 Saunders St Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordTree limb fallen due to storm.
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto2–40 Gourley Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordBranch has been laying behind the tennis courts for quite a while Would be great if someone could pick it up
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto240 Spring St Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordBroken tree limb, dangerously dangling in the tree from the stone today if this falls out, it could seriously injure someone.
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto43 Billings Avenue Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medforddead broken limb by base of tree that came down during Sundays storm
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto32 Sylvia Road Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordCan someone please come pick up the huge branch that was ripped off by the UHaul from the neighbor across the street. It's laying across the sidewalk, it's a car length long can't miss it!
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto300 Grove St Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordThis came down during the storm Sunday night and is currently blocking the city sidewalk on grove street between Apache trail and Norwich circle
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto57 Sagamore Avenue Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medfordtree limbs in street
229 Playstead Road Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordMassive top half of city tree (yes, it belongs to the city because it is on an easement the city owns in our backyard) has fallen off into our neighbor's backyard (and the other half of the tree doesn't look healthy either - we were told by Mrs Tuden about 2 years back that someone would come and assess it/remove the dead parts at some point but that never happened). If the second part falls (which seems more likely now) it is quite likely to do actual damage to the neighbor's house and shed.
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto85 High Street Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordBroken large tree branch suspended in tree, hanging over parking lot at CVS. Risk of injuring person and/or vehicle when it falls. Tree is behind white fence, appearing to be on private property.
Trees: Fallen / Broken LimbsRiconosciuto41 Hillcroft Park Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordLarge broken limb in pine tree at the top of Hillcroft Park, needs to be cut before it falls.