City of Medford PIU
Problemi aperti: 1.335
Problemi chiusi: 22.767
Problemi presi in atto: 1.761
Dead AnimalApri104 Golden Ave Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordDead rabbit in street near curb in front of 104 Golden Avenue
Dead AnimalApri430 Main Street Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - MedfordDead rat still on the sidewalk, has been reported since November 6.
Dead AnimalApri2–24 Mystic St Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordDead mouse, possibly rat on street
Dead AnimalApri51-77 3rd St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordThere are organs from an animal (a rabbit perhaps) just inside the entrance of the park on Middlesex Ave. The remains are located inside the baseball field area close to the baseball fencing. It looks like someone skinned an animal and took the skin and bones but left all the organs out in the field. This is a children's park! Please remove this as soon as possible
Dead AnimalApri23 Forest St Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
dead rat on the bottom stair of the law office at 23 Forest, across from the post office.
rats are increasing in frequency in this neighborhood and it would be good to see the city increase preventative measures
Dead AnimalApri32 Morrison Street Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordDead rabbit in between 32 and 40 morrison. Right next to side of road but in the grass.
Dead AnimalApri7 Wildwood Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordDead rat, on sidewalk, up against stone wall Please remove before someone's pet gets this
Dead AnimalApri77 Fulton Spring Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - MedfordDead hawk in street Was hit by a car speeding down street this morning.
Dead AnimalApri1-99 Tyler Ave Medford, MA, 02155, USA - MedfordDead rabbit beyond the left field fence and adjacent to the path between the tracks and ball field fence at Playstead Park