City of Medford PLUS

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 1,332 Mga Saradong Isyu: 22,891 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 1,821
  • 1-53 Swan St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford

    This is more a complaint about these so called "tactile pads" in general. When they fall apart, either from aging and weathering or being run over by a snowplow, those little nibs of plastic or rubber pose a contamination threat to nearby soils and streams. Perhaps there is a better material or design that would accomplish the same goal?

    I mention this now, because they are talking about putting even more of these, on High Street.

  • River'S Edge Dr Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Driving down River’s Edge Dr has become very dangerous now that most drivers treat this as a two lane road. The lines need to be repainted. Over the past many months, I’ve almost gotten into many accidents, I have to drive through this area frequently and now often consider taking a different route because I’ve encountered too many aggressive drivers who speed past and pass on the right. This really needs to be a priority.
  • 331-399 River'S Edge Dr Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford

    [Day 30 of almost getting side swiped by aggressive drivers] People consistently create the bike lane as a second lane since the signage and road line markings are worn down and faded. This is incredibly dangerous for those using the bike lane.

    Doesnt look like this is going to be solved or acknowledged any time soon. So i guess we'll pretend this issue doesnt exist. Until next time..

  • 295 Governors Avenue Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    At certain times of day it's impossible to cross South Border rd, no one stops. Very dangerous crossing. A crosswalk would improve safety crossing to and from the Fells either at this location or at Bellvue Pond parking area.
  • Riverside Ave @ Locust St Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    please repave! This stretch of road is a disaster
  • 331-399 River'S Edge Dr Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    [Day 22 of almost getting side swiped by aggressive drivers] People consistently create the bike lane as a second lane since the signage and road line markings are worn down and faded. This is incredibly dangerous for those using the bike lane. Until next time..
  • George St & Main St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    There are missing pedestrian ramps at this intersection. I use a stroller with my 8 month old baby and cannot cross the street here. There are 3 ramps missing - one on the east side of Main St and two on George St. This is already a dangerous intersection so please make it safer for all.
  • Canal St & Prescott St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    no sidewalk (& no paint markings to delineate pedestrian walk) on main school route next to railroad tracks at blind corner
  • 43 Lincoln Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    Throughout the snow this winter, the city plows broke the curb in front of 43 Lincoln road and pushed in front of the house and on corner of Luther and Lincoln. Looking for the pieces of curb to be removed.
  • River'S Edge Dr Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Road lines are not visible leading up to, and after, the light at 100 Rivers Edge Dr. It narrows to one lane (plus a bike lane), but cars regularly treat this section of Rivers Edge Dr. as two lanes — squeezing two-wide. Accidents, honking, aggressive driving, and confusion are constant.
  • Gorham Rd Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
    Gorham Rd is in great need of repair and repaving. The pot holes are getting very large and dangerous and causing damage to our vehicles.
  • 14 Bow St Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford

    Three months now. Not a word from anyone. Is there anybody out there?

    Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    Let's pretend for a minute that this is a construction site of an unknown work project on any street in West Medford or the Lawrence Estates. Would there be a response to an inquiry into the nature of the work to be done, and a schedule provided? A completion date, say?

    What does Medford care about?

    That question bears repeating.

    What does Medford care about?i