City of Medford PLUS

Vấn đề Mở: 1.275 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 22.439 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 1.841
  • Sidewalk Issue (asphalt/concrete)Được thừa nhận
    26 Charnwood Road Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford

    The city tree located in front of 26 Charnwood Road is severely overgrown and needs to be trimmed and inspected by the city tree warden for possible removal.
    The tree’s roots have yet again broken the sidewalk panels, which are causing a tripping and fall hazard.

    I have requested that the tree be trimmed over the last few years by calling the DPW but tree has yet to be trimmed and keeps getting overgrown every year.
    The branches are growing so low that when you walk by on the sidewalk, taller people have to duck their head.

    The tree is growing into our front yard and almost touching our house. The city tree is so overgrown, it blocks our front yard from receiving sunshine for our plants.
    The roots of the tree are also growing into the front yard and have broken the sidewalk panels again.

    The sidewalk panels were replaced a few years ago when I originally notified the city about this problem but the tree problem was never followed up upon and the roots have just gotten worse over time.

    The broken sidewalk panels are causing a slip, trip and fall hazard. Between the low branches and the cracked sidewalk panels, I fear that my mother who is approaching 91 years of age could be injured, just by walking in front of her house.

    I have been communicating with the city about this problem city tree since 2015 via email and SeeClickFix.

    This City tree needs to be trimmed as soon as possible. Followed up by an inspection by the tree warden and once again replacing broken sidewalk panels caused by the tree’s roots being overgrown.

    I have attached pictures of the tree, the overgrown roots and broken sidewalk panels.

    Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide in resolving this years long problem.

  • Tree Health Assessment RequestĐược thừa nhận
    17 Allston Terrace Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    Private arborists have told us to contact the tree warden about these trees. they are hollow inside and are at risk of falling over. I have called and emailed the tree warden to no avail, so hoping this works
  • Tree Health Assessment RequestĐược thừa nhận
    52 Powder House Road Ext Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    There are some shoddy-looking trees in the woods behind my house Several have fallen Someone from the city inspected them last year and determined that they needed to come down Still haven't heard anything I'm worried about the safety of people and houses that adjoin the woods Can you please address asap? Thanks!
  • Sidewalk Issue (asphalt/concrete)Được thừa nhận
    52 Canal Street Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
    Sidewalk tree needs a larger opening in the sidewalk to be able to get rainwater
  • Tree Health Assessment RequestĐược thừa nhận
    11 Crest Road Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    City tree is losing branches and looks unhealthy . Can it be saved?
  • 17 Allston Terrace Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    It has been over a year since my previous request for the city to come and assess the tree's health. The tree is at the end of a private drive but sits on City property. The tree warden referred the previous ticket to forestry, at which point the city stopped responding. Please come take a look, since it now looks like the tree is drying out and possibly rotting at the bottom.
  • 14 Newton Rd Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    Diseased tree continues to be an issue. Significant decaying activity in trunk, Multiple dead ended branches throughout, Girdling roots, sidewalk damage/trip hazard and active insect damage.
  • 19 Johnson Ave Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    Dying tree with black knot fungus. Please remove before active spores in spring spreads to other treesn
  • 15 Newton Road Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
    Tree has been losing leaves, branches, and limbs since end of June. I have submitted two written requests for review and one phone call to the tree wardens office and a work order submitted without response.
  • 6 Nathaniel Rd Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Resident has directed by the tree company to the City, the public tree need review, it is somewhat dead, it has fungus, the roots of tree are damaging the sidewalk, property grass and also street area by sewer in middle of street
  • Tree Health Assessment RequestĐược thừa nhận
    225 Playstead Rd Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    trash truck inadvertently broke most of this newly planted tree off and now it's in really sad shape
  • Tree Health AssessmentĐược thừa nhận
    30 Leyden St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Tree in front waste roots and sidewalk and breaking house foundation
    Have been trying to get this repaired for a while