City of Medford PLUS

Open Issues: 1,332 Closed Issues: 22,764 Acknowledged Issues: 1,763
  • Franklin St Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
    Hello. I don't believe this piece of land is considered a park but there is a triangle of grass and a big tree in the middle of it that the city maintains where Hadley Place meets Washington Street and Woodside S. People do not clean up after their dogs here. I am constantly cleaning up other dogs' poop. Can you please install a sign that says people must clean up after their dogs or be subject to a fine? Thank you!
  • 8 Henry St Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford
    Broken glass on sidewalk
  • 3678–3690 Freedom Way Medford MA 02155, United States - Medford

    Broken glass along walkway from Hormel to McGlynn Schools.

    Also, retaining wall falling down.

  • Sidewalk IssueAcknowledged
    Spring St & Washington St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    People walking down Spring St, crossing Washington st, often find themselves in dangerous situations because of all the car traffic turning off of Spring onto Washington and vice versa. Very often cars speed into their turns, so some traffic calming measures would increase pedestrian safety. Specifically something as simple as painting a standard crosswalk here would certainly help and be a step in the right direction.
  • Sidewalk IssueAcknowledged
    Woburn And Century/Wildwood Intersection Medford Massachusetts - Medford
    Why are there no crosswalks at this intersection? The intersection itself is dangerous because of the way drivers have to curve as they cross Woburn to continue "straight" onto Century or Wildwood. Added to that, the stop signs are small and one gets hidden by tree brances. And worst of all, I walk this 2-4 times a day and at least twice a week see a car blow through the intersection without stopping. Curbs are also very high in spots where people naturally cross, making it hard for strollers/disabled to navigate the crossing in these spots. Overall, the design needs to be revisited with pedestrian safety in mind - especially since students of all ages walk this route getting to school/buses.
  • Winthrop Street Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    All crosswalk lines on Winthrop Strret between Boston Avenue and Mystic Valley Pkwy are faint/invisible and need to be repainted.
  • Sidewalk IssueAcknowledged
    2 Berwick Road Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Pedestrian crosswalk never repainted after re-paving on Harvard Street. Makes it dangerous and difficult to cross the street.
  • Spring St & Washington St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Cross walk needs to be painted at intersection of Washington and Spring Street. Cars do not stop for pedestrians. Very busy intersection. Signs and crosswalk need to be painted!
  • 10 Fountain Street Medford, Massachusetts, 02155 - Medford
  • 291-291 Winthrop St Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    What in the world is going on at this intersection? New striping has created an enormous, unnecessary volume of traffic and backups.
  • Fulton St & Fulton Spring Rd Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    There is no crosswalk across Fulton Spring at the 4 way stop. Cars are constantly coming up during rush hour and cutting across Fulton to get over to Malden. They fly through our neighborhood with no regard for pedestrian traffic. At the very least, we need a 4 way crosswalk. Maybe some flashing crossing signs. Maybe the city of Medford should request to be hidden from the Wayz app for safety purposes.
  • 40-98 Brogan Rd Medford, MA, 02155, USA - Medford
    Please paint crosswalk on Brogan at Hickey Park. There are yellow pedestrian crossing signs and ADA curbcuts, but no painted crosswalk. When the park is busy and parked vehicles line both sides of the street, drivers don't expect children to be coming out into the street from in between the parked cars.