Cambridge, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 819 Closed Issues: 136,898 Acknowledged Issues: 1,432
  • 1-5 Linnaean St Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - Neighborhood 9
    Please replace the tree that was cut down.
  • 159 Allston Street Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 - Cambridgeport


    This spot on the street is an ideal location for a street tree. With ample sidewalk space and direct southern sun, a tree is sure to thrive in these conditions and contribute to the Cambridge urban forest. Additionally the shade provided by the tree will greatly benefit the adjacent building at 159 Allston street, the first passive house in Cambridge, which aims to reduce energy use as much as possible.

    Some suggested street trees we often see in Cambridge: pin oak, honeylocust, american elm, kentucky coffeetree, sweet gum

    Thank you!
    Marcus Jost

  • 18 Ellsworth Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 - Mid-Cambridge
    The city recently removed a diseased tree on the corner of Ellsworth Ave and Ellsworth Park, adjacent to the green mailbox, can they replace it with another one?
  • 67 Hammond St Cambridge 02138, United States - Agassiz-Harvard
    There used to be a tree here. Please replace soon.
  • 799 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA, 02141, USA - Wellington-Harrington
    The request to cut back this former tree was ignored and a large limb fell on the sidewalk. As a result, the whole tree was removed.
    A new tree has not yet been planted and this is what it looks like now...dogs use it as a "poop" spot.
  • 96 Lexington Avenue Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - West Cambridge
  • 301 Broadway Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 - The Port
    I live at 301 Broadway in Cambridge and this little stretch of Broadway doesn't have many street trees on our side of the road. I would love to have a tree planted in front of my home on the sidewalk, potentially in place of some of the bricks in the picture.
  • 171 Harvard Street Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - The Port
    One tree needed. Three trees that need to have bags removed. The trees are established, and the water bags grow mosquitoes that are bad for public health, especially near a school with small children.
  • 12 Granville Road Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138 - West Cambridge
    Reinstall requested/Resident
  • 20 Camp Street Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    I believe this was already flagged for repaving, but it would great to have a tree here too
  • 156 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - West Cambridge
    The tree wells at 156 Mount Auburn Street are extremely compacted so when you come to plant the trees, you'll need something more than shovels to clear it out, which I hope you will – you probably know this already but I just want to make sure we give these trees a good start. Thanks
  • 22 Mount Pleasant Street Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02140 - Neighborhood 9
    The city removed a dying Maple Tree from this location recently and now there is a sign saying a new tree will be planted there. May we have a say in the kind of tree from your list of approved trees? We desire a smaller flowering tree so it will not compete with our own trees. We do want a tree planted there to replace the one that was removed . Thank you, Amy Clarkson