Cambridge, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 850 Closed Issues: 136,901 Acknowledged Issues: 1,439
  • 92 Oxford St Cambridge MA 02138, United States - Agassiz-Harvard
    Not overflowing now but this park desperately needs an enclosed trash receptacle. Often overflowing, attracting rats, bad for children, etc
  • 40 Dickinson Street Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - The Port

    Please add a few more garbage cans and empty them regularly. The existing ones are often overflowed and there's often garbage spread everywhere around.

    I hope the renaming Area 4 into the Port has not been just an excuse to keep the area dirty.

  • Montague St Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA - Riverside
    Park is turning into rats buffet. Trash everywhere! Barrels need high liners or be replaced with big belly bins. City please help us live safely.
  • Rodent SightingAcknowledged
    448 Broadway Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - Mid-Cambridge
    Saw a rat at the sidewalk trash bin in front of 448 Broadway at around 10pm on Wed Mar 13.
  • 189 Richdale Avenue Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - Neighborhood 9
    Pemberton St basketball courts need GARBAGE toters. There are only recycling toters and the trash gets left on the courts or on the street
  • OtherAcknowledged
    40 Granite St Cambridge MA 02139, United States - Cambridgeport
    There's a pet waste bag station but no trash barrel, can we have a trash can placed there? There used to be one right under the pet bag box but there's not anymore .
  • Rodent SightingAcknowledged
    119 Larch Road Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA - West Cambridge
    rats in trash cans in Larch Road Park -- they run in the grass during the day, even with many people around
  • 40 Belmont Street Watertown, MA, 02472, USA - Watertown
    The inbound 73 bus shelter in front of BB&N is regularly littered with trash. Please install public trash & recycling cans!
  • 137 Pemberton Street Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    Basketball Courts on Pemberton need a trash can.
  • 2 Cameron Ave Cambridge, MA 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    Please stabilize trash can. Metal waste basket has been broken from its base.
  • Somerville Community Path Cambridge MA 02140, United States - North Cambridge
    Trolley Sq trash receptacle has been hit and displaced and needs to be reset.
  • 373 Walden St Cambridge MA 02138, United States - Neighborhood 9
    Trash bin is stuck and does not open