Pinellas County - proper PLUS
Open Issues: 23
Closed Issues: 18,248
Acknowledged Issues: 510
Pinellas Trail IssueAcknowledged2131-2199 26th Ave S St. Petersburg, FL, 33712, USA - Lake Maggiore Shores Neighborhood AssociationOn the bike lane, heading west on 26th Ave S, near Union St, the bike lane was dug up, but the asphalt was never replaced leaving a dangerous patch of gravel.
Pinellas Trail IssueAcknowledged22nd Ave S St Petersburg, FL, 33711, USA - St. Petersburgthe south cross walk light on 22nd Ave s crossing into Queen Dennis park is not working
Pinellas Trail IssueAcknowledged650-694 18th Ave S St Petersburg, FL, 33705, USA - Bartlett Park Neighborhood AssociationThe city/ county is not mowing the ROW along the SOUTH side side of the pinellas county trail on Travelers way South between pinellas way south and LaPlaza ave South outside of the guard rail which they have been doing since 2003 now they no longer mow this anymore for the past year!! They mow the north side ROW but no longer maintain the South side of the trail along Travelers Way S. The city had been mowing the ROW along Travelers Way S for decades!! What's the problem here the grass is 3 feet high in some areas!! Its not the residents responsibly to mow the ROW outside of the pinellas county trail!!
Recycle Site IssueAcknowledged1216-1266 5th St N Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33704 - St. PetersburgLarge blue container for glass is mislabeled multiple times. The container has three interior compartments, each compartment has two openings, one on each side of the container One side, the three openings are brown, brown & clear. The other side is brown, brown and green. This means there are two interiorccompartments for Brown, and one shared compartment for green and clearo Unless there’s no reason to sort colors, this needs to be fixed immediately.mponents..
Recycle Site IssueAcknowledgedHamlin Blvd Largo, Florida, 33774 - LargoHamlin Blvd recycling and 4H. Per the attached photo please repaint parking lines, Blue parking block. Also expose ,or remove yellow parking blocks along chain link fence. They are covered with sand.
Recycling Site IssueAcknowledged3815 1st Ave S St. Petersburg, FL 33713, USA - Central Oak Park Neighborhood Associationrecycling has not been picked up in 6 weeks.