Pinellas County - proper PLUS

Open Issues: 24 Closed Issues: 18,224 Acknowledged Issues: 509
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    250–272 Mirror Lake Dr N Saint Petersburg FL 33701, United States - Downtown Neighborhood Association
    there are 20 some people with all of their belongings thrown everywhere. After the picnic homeless delivery of food and the trash cans are full. It’s a nightmare of drug people laying everywhere.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    Bayshore Dr Se Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33701 - Downtown Neighborhood Association
    The Bayside Fountain and "Gardens" (donated by the James family) is an embarrassment. The fountain has only worked once in a year. There are no gardens in the area. I've seen folks wash up in the fountain. It's filthy. Also, there is often trash on the ground in this area, and when the tide is out there there is garbage in the water. There are quite a few bricks around the fountain missing, and I've tripped there walking with a cane. This area is a draw for residents and tourists alike. It is located in front of the Dali/Mahaffey/Rowdies jewel along the waterfront. The trail along the water is actively used daily. Is this how we want to present our beautiful city to others? Think about the south side of the city once in awhile. I guarantee that if the fountain was located on the north side, it would be operative every single day.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    Flora Wylie Park - Historic Old Northeast
    concerned citizen voicing that this area there are a lot of bike riders not adhering to slow speed safety. lots of residents walk the area and these cyclists are just zooming down the sidewalk like maniacs. Signs should be posted for bicyclists. Last night about 100 of them were cursing at the walkers to get out of the way.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    525 Mirror Lake Dr N Saint Petersburg FL 33701, United States - Downtown Neighborhood Association
    this pile of homeless belongings has been here an entire week. No one has moved it please remove it. Thank you.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    445–519 Fifth Ave Ne Saint Petersburg FL 33701, United States - Downtown Neighborhood Association

    In response to the closed “Request ID #18088434 and #17804363” which does not allow me to respond, I would like an explanation as to why the city selectively chooses when to quote and enforce certain laws. If laws are being cited to close this issue, shouldn’t they also be consistently enforced in all applicable situations? Please clarify this inconsistency.

    . I would like to point out that Florida law prohibits counties and municipalities from allowing regular camping or sleeping on public property unless specific areas are designated for such purposes. The law states:

    “The bill prohibits a county or municipality from authorizing or otherwise allowing any person from regularly engaging in public camping or sleeping on any public property, public building, or public right-of-way under the county or municipality’s jurisdiction unless the county designates property for such purposes.”

    As this issue potentially involves public property, I believe it warrants further attention under this legislation. I understand the need to include personal information for Code Compliance complaints as per Senate Bill 60. However, if you’re going to quote the law regarding public camping and sleeping, but choose not to enforce the requirements of another law Governor DeSantis signed, you cannot selectively pick and choose sides. I would like an explanation for this inconsistenc

    This is a legitimate SeeClickFix report, and similar issues at this location were successfully addressed and resolved through this forum last year. A city official left a notice and removed left belongings on this exact bench. However, it appears this specific request is being protected and given special treatment. I request a response from a supervisor to clarify why this inconsistency is occurring and how it will be addressed moving forward.y.

  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    27.78584 -82.62347 - Historic Old Northeast
    Is the city permitting this? I've seen golf carts, scooters and now trucks parked in the park. Someone sunbathing is going to get ran over. Vehicles don't belong in the park.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    Edgemoor St Petersburg, FL, USA - Edgemoor Neighborhood Association
    All soccer fields have padlocks on them put there by Raiders soccer club. This is a public park and locking the public out of these fields is illegal. They are only opened for their games and practice. This must stop. This is a public park.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    Historic Old Northeast St Petersburg, FL, USA - Historic Old Northeast
    Broken reuse water pipe. Large volumes of reuse water with high amounts of nutrients being discharged directly to the bay. Has been ongoing for several days. The leak should be reported to appropriate enforcement agencies.
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    1300 11th Ave S St. Petersburg, FL 33705, USA - Thirteenth Street Heights Neighborhood Association
    I'm not sure what is this lot, if it's a county park or a private lot. The issue is, there are always people making noise, playing loud music and using drugs. Maybe revitalizing the park or selling it would be a good idea?
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    650–700 Mirror Lake Dr N Saint Petersburg FL 33701, United States - Downtown Neighborhood Association
    This woman lives out of a shopping cart and washes her clothes, brushes her teeth and takes a bath and a @#$% in the lake. This lake is not meant to be her personal hygiene center. There’ soapscu everywher an disaste
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    Lurie Park 5500 62nd Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33709, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    some of the play equipment has loose or missing hardware. Please plan a replace/retorque/inspection day. thank you
  • County Park IssueAcknowledged
    7464 Ridge Rd Seminole, FL 33772, USA - Seminole
    damaged swing