Town-Wide Issues PLUS

Open Issues: 524 Closed Issues: 63,297 Acknowledged Issues: 381
  • 825 S Cooper Rd B9 Gilbert, AZ 85233, USA - Gilbert
    looks like broken part, leaking large amounts of water consistently
  • 18230 E Nunneley Rd Gilbert AZ 85296, United States - Gilbert

    Construction water hose and Backflow got pulled off when hose was ran over that was laying across Nunneley Rd in roadway.

    Saw that people got the hydrant water off but didn't see any Town of Gilbert or Fire there to check the hydrant condition. Looked like they were trying to put the Backflow back on the hydrant.

  • 1667 S 141st Pl Gilbert, Arizona, 85295 - Gilbert
    fire hydrant leaking
  • 102 W Washington Ave Gilbert, AZ, 85233, USA - Gilbert
    The wire is exposed on the fire hydrant at Washington Ave and Ash.
  • 1333 N Pebble Beach Dr Gilbert, AZ, 85234, USA - Gilbert
    The fire Hydrant was replaced a few years back and is now forming a sink hole around the base.
  • S Rck St Gilbert AZ 85295, United States - Gilbert
    Every evening this vehicle and another one parks on the sidewalk in a fire line
  • 1649-1655 E Warner Rd Gilbert, AZ, 85296, USA - Gilbert
    Junk/trash surrounding fire hydrant at 1661 e. Warner rd
  • 1675 E Melrose St Gilbert, Arizona, 85297 - Gilbert
    Hydrant on North side of building needs to be slightly turned. If car is in the parking space a supply line could not be accomplished.
  • 961 S Western Skies Dr Gilbert, AZ, 85296, USA - Gilbert
  • 1200–1350 E Blue Ridge Way Gilbert AZ 85298, United States - Gilbert
    Fire hydrant is not in service
  • 3755 S Rome St Gilbert, Arizona, 85297 - Gilbert
    Fire Hydrant at Northeast side of property is being use for construction with a flow meter. Notice this morning that water was seeping up from underground next to Hydrant
  • 1336 E Linda Ln Gilbert AZ 85234, United States - Gilbert
    Fire hydrant continually leaking