Town-Wide Issues

开放式问题: 556 已解决的问题: 61,556 已确认的问题: 387
  • 2806 E Trigger Way Gilbert AZ 85297, United States - Gilbert
    Car is abandoned . Please mark to be moved . No overnight parking
  • S Werner St Gilbert, AZ, 85295, USA - Gilbert
    Vehicle has been here, unmoved, for several months. Was tagged by Gilbert PD in the middle of November.
  • 5900-6312 S Fawn Ave Gilbert, AZ, 85298, USA - Gilbert
    Parked there since middle last week.
  • 837 E Stanford Ave Gilbert, AZ 85234, USA - Gilbert
    White C class or similar motorhome has been parked here for about one week. it's very hard to see around when making turns in the neighborhood
  • 3717 E Lodgepole Dr Gilbert, AZ 85298, USA - Gilbert
    C240 Mercedes Black NO license plate parked on Tatum street & Ficus in Gilbert. Abandoned?
  • 2847 E Cathy Dr Gilbert AZ 85296, United States - Gilbert
    White ford mustang with expired Minnesota license plate reported earlier this week. Was orange tagged per closed report on this app. Sticker was removed but vehicle is still there without moving since days before originally reporting.
  • 3516 E Aris Dr Gilbert AZ 85298, United States - Gilbert
    Older black F-150 in front of this address with expired tags.
  • 4074-4098 E Ranch Rd Gilbert, AZ, 85296, USA - Gilbert
  • Train horn已确认
    S Higley Rd Gilbert, AZ, 85295, USA - Gilbert
    The 3am train horns are out of control. Last year on request #5652409 it was stated that Gilbert is working on becoming a quite zone for trains. The post stated that the repairs should be completed in 2020. Where do we stand on the issue today?
  • S Recker Rd & E Riggs Rd Queen Creek, AZ, 85142, USA - Gilbert
    The intersection at Riggs and Clubhouse Dr is becoming increasingly dangerous and more and more accidents are occurring here. A traffic light at this intersection would benefit the safety of all! People drive way to fast down the 6 lanes on Riggs. How long does something like this take to get approved and installed? Thank you for any info and help.
  • E Ray Rd & S Sanders Dr Gilbert, AZ, 85295, USA - Gilbert

    I have been requesting this for many years, and the response is always we'll get to it and we don't have the money. There are 2 huge subdivisions right across from each other that enter Ray road at these cross roads. I have seen accidents and many many near accidents, some involving children trying to cross from one subdivision to another.
    As the years have gone on this the road has been widened and the problems have gotten worse. 4 lanes of traffic each way with a median in the middle and some bushes etc in the way on both sides. Not to mention people typically speed through this area (and drag race at night) which is a separate point of concern, but still contributes to the problem.

    This needs to have an evaluation and a date to be completed before someone gets severely injured or killed.

  • S Wilson Way Gilbert, AZ, 85298, USA - Gilbert
    This blow out in the south water recharge area has been here for many months with no work to repair it.
    When is the repair scheduled?
    Terrie Follansbee