Pinellas County PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 147 Problèmes Clos: 45 649 Problèmes Pris en compte: 2 572
  • 10439 Tony Cir Seminole, FL, 33778, USA - Seminole
    The city was out to do some work on the water lines and ever since then this has been full of water. The meter is not running so it's on the city side of the meter.
  • 3880 Belle Vista Dr E St Pete Beach, Florida, 33706 - St. Pete Beach
    Water flowing out from under the light pole
  • 301 87th Ave St Pete Beach, Florida, 33706 - St. Pete Beach
    I ran over a waterline and now it is leaking
  • 2093 W Vina Del Mar Blvd St. Pete Beach FL 33706, United States - St. Pete Beach
    Hydrant appears to be leaking
  • 8000-8098 124th St N Seminole, FL, 33772, USA - US Congressional District FL10
  • 16110 Third St E Redington Beach FL 33708, United States - Redington Beach
    Water has been coming from under road for at least 3 months n
  • 11289 Tradewinds Blvd Largo 33773, United States - US Congressional District FL10
    There is no leak, however, since you came out to correct a valve leak at the meter, we have had water pressure issues. We turned off all water and checked the meter, there is no movement of the meter dial indicating no leak from the meter to the house. Please have someone come check to see why we are having significant water pressure issues that never occurred prior to the meter change.
  • 360 8th Ave N Saint Petersburg, FL, 33715, USA - Tierra Verde
    There is water coming out like a little stream. Yesterday it was just a puddle so it is getting worse.
  • 140-148 Highland Ave Se Largo, FL, 33771, USA - Largo
    It looks like old faithful.
  • 13780 88th Ave Seminole, FL, 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    Extreme low water pressure at residence. No visible leak. Meter is not running.
  • 9516 Merrimoor Blvd Seminole, Florida, 33777 - US Congressional District FL10
    While walking my dog, I observe that the sidewalk between the water meter and the street always has standing water. I believe there is a leak in the water line.
  • 171 Garland Cir Palm Harbor, FL 34683, USA - Palm Harbor
    This is not flooding from the storm. My yard experienced no flooding. We had an astronomical water bill last month and we have noticed water pooling persistently outside this meter box, near our water meter. We have detected no leaks from our our water line but this is suspicious, and we cannot determine why our bill was so high. Please have this inspected. Thank you.