Pinellas County PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 148 Problèmes Clos: 45 641 Problèmes Pris en compte: 2 575
  • 15351 Roosevelt Blvd Clearwater 33760, United States - Largo
    Watermain leak in front of Cracker Barrel
  • 86th Ave & Oakhurst Rd Seminole, FL, 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    Water leaking from a crack in the road in the middle of the intersection of 86th Ave and Oakhurst Rd, Seminole.
  • 11084 58th Ave N Seminole, FL, 33772, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    The grass between the sidewalk and the road is extremely soggy even though it hasn’t rained. The grass in that area is dead. The lawn care people have been unable to mow because the area is so wet at times.
  • 277 55th Ave St Pete Beach, FL, 33706, USA - St. Pete Beach
  • 3013 W Vina Del Mar Blvd St. Pete Beach FL 33706, United States - St. Pete Beach
    Looks like a reclaimed water leak in the street at this address.
  • 1621-1655 N Highland Ave Clearwater, FL, 33755, USA - Clearwater
    The sprinkler in the median by rainbow food Mart is uncapped and shoots in the road almost every morning like a fire hose
  • 1409 Wisconsin Ave Palm Harbor, FL, 34683, USA - Palm Harbor
    This has been spraying profusely for the last several hours. Not sure what caused it.
  • 77th Ave & Coquina Way St Pete Beach, FL, 33706, USA - St. Pete Beach
    Water coming up from road. Broken water line under pavement
  • S Betty Ln & Rosery Rd Ne Largo, FL, 33756, USA - Largo
    Water valve leak and potholes formed at intersection-road hazard
  • 10195 Bay Pines Blvd Seminole, FL, 33708, USA - Seminole
    Water main leaking westbound Bay Pines just east of the Seminal Blvd., North ramp. Water spraying up through and access cover and the outside lane is flooding
  • 1908 Palm Dr Clearwater, FL 33763, USA - Pinellas County
    my water bill is very high and I told my renter about they send someone to check and left it like that is been happing for a long time.
  • 4100 Belle Vista Dr St. Pete Beach FL 33706, United States - St. Pete Beach
    Storm drain contractor broke a reclaimed water line and the street has flooded.