Pinellas County PLUS

Open Issues: 148 Closed Issues: 45 641 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 2 578
  • 5794 Hillside St Seminole, Florida, 33772 - US Congressional District FL10
    Two weeks ago we had a main water line leak.. the county came out and fixed it but said they would be back to complete job… we have not seen anyone come and complete repair.. the caution tape and large hole is left and we have small children that live here.
  • 13200-13298 119th St N Largo, FL, 33778, USA - Greater Ridgecrest CRA
    There is a PVC pipe running from Mr. Bostick’s property (13215 119th St N, Largo) to an unknown address with possible unlawful utility connections. Pipe running along back fence line to another home possibly belonging to Bostick’s daughter.
  • 4195 Kirkaldy Dr East Lake, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    Fire hydrant on corner of Kirkaldy Drive and lakefront drive is dripping
  • 908 Oakwood Dr Largo, Florida, 33770 - Harbor Bluffs
    A steam of water is flowing from beneath the asphalt of Oakwood Dr. The moss suggests it’s been doing this for a long time. It is located just east of the mailbox of 908 Oakwood Ln. The leak sounds like it’s under pressure, perhaps a water pipe break?
  • 302 Gulf Blvd Indian Rocks Beach, Florida, 33785 - Indian Rocks Beach
    Very heavy water leak reported days ago. Still not fixed.
  • 372 12th Ave Indian Rocks Beach, Florida, 33785 - Indian Rocks Beach
    Major water break at 372 12th Ave, Indian Rocks Beach
  • 171 Garland Cir Palm Harbor, FL 34683, USA - Palm Harbor
    This is not flooding from the storm. My yard experienced no flooding. We had an astronomical water bill last month and we have noticed water pooling persistently outside this meter box, near our water meter. We have detected no leaks from our our water line but this is suspicious, and we cannot determine why our bill was so high. Please have this inspected. Thank you.
  • 7066 Delta Way Clearwater FL 33764, United States - US Congressional District FL10
    Water gushing, flooded street due to it. busy street Delta Way to Frontier Elementary. Broke overnight & is all the way down the street, filling up storm drain into pond that is almost full. Please come shutoff.
  • 13123 Linden Place Dr Seminole FL 33776, United States - US Congressional District FL10

    Very low water pressure at Linden Place, corner of 102 nd Av and 131st St.

    Many members on Next Door app reporting same issue.

  • 1995 Whitney Way Clearwater, FL 33760, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    water line leak. North side of Whitney Rd., 1000 ft east of US19 north Frontage Rd.
  • 2854 Whitney Rd Clearwater, FL 33760, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    water leaking from valve box at NW corner of Whitney Rd and Oak St.
  • 510 64th Ave St Pete Beach, Florida, 33706 - St. Pete Beach
    Neighbor called to tell Resident that his Reclaimed water burst and is flooding the front yard