City of Whiting PLUS
Solicitações em aberto: 199
Questões Encerradas: 1.073
Solicitações Reconhecidas: 201
Whiting 46394 United States - WhitingWhite rusted Chevy cavalier on the corner of 117th and Central hasn’t moved for weeks and takes up residence parking. It never moves or is driven. Never seen anyone out with it. We think it’s been junked and are tired of it taking up parking for people with working cars.
1525 121st St Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whitingparked over a week with no plates. seems to be abonded.
1647 Central Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whitingblue trailblazer with rear passenger driverside window covered with plastic
1301-1329 118th St Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whitingwhite full size van
been sitting for months
plates are EXPIRED from 2015! -
1647 Central Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whitingblue trailblazer with rear passenger driverside window covered with plastic
Illionis platesAberta1530 121st St Whiting In - WhitingThis car is owned by a whiting resident. Has lived here for two years and still has illionis plates. I believe it's 30 days to fransfer plates to Indiana. Sometimes parks in back yard. They need to have it changed.
out of state and expired platesReconhecida1446 Fischrupp Whiting, IN - WhitingIL plates...been there for 9 months....expired plates
1733 Atchison Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - WhitingToo many out of state plates hard to find parking dont know if they're here visiting or they live in the neighborhood