City of Whiting PLUS

Open Issues: 199 Closed Issues: 1 073 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 201
  • 2431 Schrage Ave Whiting 46394, United States - Whiting
    Can we please get a new recycle bin to replace the one we have that has a broken handle? My husband called awhile ago for a replace but we are still waiting. We recycle ALOT of stuff and could really use that 2nd can. Thank you. The address is 2433 Schrage Avenue
  • 1540 John St Whiting 46394 United States - Whiting
    Overgrown weeds at city owned property. Please keep our side of 119th clean and weed free.
  • 1444 Center St Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whiting
    Overgrown weeds throughout the parking lot adjacent to the football field
  • 1720 Center St Whiting 46394, United States - Whiting
    Center Street from the end of block mainly 1700 # looks like hell as city does not cut grass anywhere they have purchased and knocked down property.
    Weeds are as high as the sky!!
    Get on the ball already!!🙄
  • 1844 Front St Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whiting
    Lots of garbage scattered around the empty lot at the corner of Front and 119th, closest to the tracks and alley.
  • 1800 New York Ave Whiting 46394, United States - Whiting
    In the street diagonal parking area along the school side of the street looks like an city employee tried to cleanup the trash and the composting leaves that were laying in puddles of water never finished cleaning it up looks like more of eyesore than it ever did before.
  • 1710 Center St Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whiting
    property acquired by city has fence that fell into alley from strong winds
  • 1578–1598 John St Whiting 46394, United States - Whiting
    New York and John - this is city owned property. Get it together, Whiting! We deserve better.
  • 1514 119th St Whiting 46394, United States - Whiting
    There is broken glass in front of the dumpsters behind 1518/1516/1514 119th St. Its been there at least a week now. Don’t want to see anyone get a flat tire or get cut accidentally.
  • 1329 119th St Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whiting
    empty lot between theater and flower shop in alley has weeds as tall as the truck bed of the vehicle that has been sitting for well over a year. green pick-up thats backed in.
    only ever cleaned around pierogi fest
    sort of a slap in the face to residents who reside here ALL year long but its only cleaned up for outsiders
  • 1837 Central Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whiting
    overgrown bushes makes it difficult exiting the alley. cant see pedestrian or vehicles on Central
  • 2636 Schrage Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Whiting
    Debris Dumped