City of Bexley PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 103
Problèmes Clos: 4 032
Problèmes Pris en compte: 135
Traffic Signal / StreetlightReconnu144 S Drexel Ave Bexley OH 43209, United States - BexleyMedian lights out on S Drexel south of Fair.
Traffic Signal / StreetlightReconnu2414–2430 E Mound St Bexley 43209, United States - BexleyLow hanging cable
Traffic Signal / StreetlightReconnu922 Chelsea Ave Columbus, Ohio, 43209 - BexleyStreet light at alley in back of house by garage. Very dark and unsafe at night
2620 E Broad St Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - Bexleystreet light is out, middle of block on north side of Broad between Ardmore and Cassingham
2497 E Main St Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - BexleyStreet light on Cassingham south of Main (next to Jimmy John’s) is out.
981 College Ave Bexley 43209, United States - BexleySpeed indicator is not working again. It just has a flashing dot. Tried to upload picture but would not work.
Street / SidewalkOuvert2657 E Broad St Bexley 43209, United States - BexleyMetal pipe cover in street