City of Bexley PIU
Problemi aperti: 88
Problemi chiusi: 4.193
Problemi presi in atto: 123
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto2441 Bexley Park Rd Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - BexleyWater bubbling from ground in front of house in the easement area between the street and sidewalk.
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto2812-2868 Maryland Ave Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - BexleyEmerging pothole and road issue.
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto693 Montrose Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexleya pile of excess salt is in the middle of Montrose Ave and needs to be swept up. Excess salt pollutes local waterways and Alum Creek
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto893 Euclaire Ave Bexley 43209, United States - BexleyGravel that was used to fill in gas and alley street repairs is eroding down and creating a pot hole.
91 N Stanwood Rd Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexleyour recycling bin was damaged during service sometime ago and we would like to find out about getting a new one
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto832 Vernon Rd Bexley 43209 United States - BexleyThe large city tree in front of my house is causing my driveway apron to buckle and crack. The sidewalk is also starting to raise up as well. Is this something the city will remediate similar to broken sidewalks?
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto724 Francis Ave Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - BexleyFour weeks ago, the gas company dug up my parking pad and part of the alley at 749 Euclaire Ave. They filled in part of the hole but left a two-three inch drop that prevents me from using my parking pad. Can the village help me get Columbia Gas Company's attention to get this paved?
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto160 N Merkle Rd Columbus, OH 43209, USA - BexleyPlease cover/replace cover; large enough for dog paws to fall into.
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto292 N Cassady Ave Bexley 43209, United States - BexleyPothole on westbound lane of Maryland Ave
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto927 Grandon Ave Bexley 43209, United States - BexleyHornets nest on the tree lawn at 927 grandon avenue
Street / SidewalkRiconosciuto2630 Brentwood Rd Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - BexleyI see this has been submitted, but if this patch of gravel on Remington isn't going to be fixed, can gravel at least be added. The gravel continues to dip down creating a pothole like situation.