City of Bexley PIU

Problemi aperti: 104 Problemi chiusi: 4.182 Problemi presi in atto: 117
  • 2737 E Broad St Bexley OH 43209, United States - Bexley
    Tree removal left a bare patch and grass seed was never applied Please add some seed at your convenience Thanks!
  • 998 Montrose Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    At 9:15pm Wednesday 7/10/24 a woman in a work vest was “working” on something in the street. She was in an unmarked car. Not sure what the work was for as there did not appear to be an issue. And it was at 9:15 at night.
  • 2759 Plymouth Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    You have pedestrian crossing signs in the crosswalks on Roosevelt at Brentwood and south of there. There is construction with large trucks parked on Roosevelt and the only way for Northbound cars to drive is in the wrong lane because of the pedestrian crossing signs. I would suggest that until that house is built, that you remove the pedestrian crossing signs as they are making it hard to drive.
  • 693 Montrose Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    a pile of excess salt is in the middle of Montrose Ave and needs to be swept up. Excess salt pollutes local waterways and Alum Creek
  • 10 N Drexel Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Sorry to trouble you but we have not had a single leaf pickup this year at the northeast corner of Dale and Columbia Ave. I have neatly piled my leaves each week in hopes of pickup but so far no luck. The problem is complicated as there has been a massive construction project to our north and construction vehicles have been parked around our property daily. Not sure how to solve the issue but trucks go right by us on Sat and don’t stop to pick up the piles.
    Anything you can do would be appreciated.
    Michael T Murnane MD
    226 S Columbia Ave
  • 113 S Ardmore Rd Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - Bexley
    Water does not properly drain from a large area in our alley behind the garage
  • 732 Pleasant Ridge Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    electric box lid busted
  • 720 Cassingham - Bexley
    Pothole in alley leftover from utility work - been there for over 90 days and getting much worse
  • 893 Euclaire Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Gravel that was used to fill in gas and alley street repairs is eroding down and creating a pot hole.
  • 781 S Roosevelt Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    There’s a low spot in our alley that often has standing water. It’s been this way as long as we’ve lived here (6 years). This photo was taken a few days after it rained - the puddle is smaller but still there. We do a lot on our property to prevent mosquitoes and still have an issue. Would love to get this alley dip filled to prevent standing water and a mosquito breeding ground. Thank you!
  • 2210 E Main St Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    The charger at the Bexley City Hall is starting to become frayed and disconnected. I’m concerned it may become a hazard.
  • 371 S Gould Rd Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Construction crew doing work on Gould damaged our sidewalk blocks next to the one they removed to do work, just want to make sure that it is fixed when they finish the work they are doing….