City of Bexley PIU

Problemi aperti: 88 Problemi chiusi: 4.193 Problemi presi in atto: 123
  • 302 S Cassady Ave Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Tree Planting- Hello, The city took down a dying black locust in September of 2021. I am hoping another tree could be planted.
  • City treeRiconosciuto
    1024 Grandon Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    Broken branch is in the street
  • 2479 Seneca Park Pl Columbus, Ohio, 43209 - Bexley
    Dead limbs in city tree need to be removed. Issue on map says it is closed but the limbs were never removed. Limbs removed in surrounding trees but not mine. If they fall they will hit sidewalk or street. Please reopen issue.
  • 2180 Bryden Rd Columbus, Ohio, 43209 - Bexley
    Honey locust tree on north side of Bryden near Parkview needs trimming--many dead branches. Also sycamore tree in front of 2170 Bryden has dead limbs hanging vertically.
  • City treeRiconosciuto
    844 Chelsea Ave Columbus, OH 43209, USA - Bexley
    Could this tree be removed? It is mostly dead and dropping limbs.
  • 2379 Sherwood - Bexley
    On July 4th a very large limb fell onto Dawson right before the parade entered our street. If there had been a car parked there or the parade had already started on the street there definitely could have been someone very hurt or extensive damage. I know in past years they have trimmed this tree before the parade. I am not sure if this was done this year but the tree needs to be looked at to make sure it does not cause damage. Several people helped move the branch from the street onto the tree lawn on the west side of our property and is still there.
  • City treeRiconosciuto
    848 Vernon Rd Bexley 43209 United States - Bexley
    Dead tree dropping branches
  • Fair Ave Bexley, OH, 43209, USA - Bexley
    I think the tree is dead or dying. It is dropping branches. I don’t want it to hurt anybody or anything. It might need removed
  • City treeRiconosciuto
    57 S Cassingham Rd Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    The city tree in my front yard is dead. Please remove/replace. Thanks!
  • City treeRiconosciuto
    2657 E Broad St Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Tree in front of the church has been hanging lower and lower and now impedes foot traffic on the sidewalk.
  • 2487 Bryden Rd Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Large branch fell off tree. Please inspect health of trees in front of 2488 Bryden
  • 2441 Bexley Park Rd Bexley 43209, United States - Bexley
    Two dead city trees: one sits on Cassady at the alley (we continue to be told that this tree is a big risk); second tree is near stop sign at Cassady & Bexley Park in front of our house.