
  • 6917 Vernson Dr. Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    We have a problem with children playing at a neighbors house at 6928 Vernson Dr. while the adults that live there are not at home. There are a group of kids varying in age that are hanging out there after school between about 3:30pm up until the mother comes home from work at about 6:00pm. These kids are intimidating neighborhood kids and my neighbors don't even want to let their kids play outside due to their behavior. These kids are continuously swearing at each other and at anyone who dares challenge them. There has also been a couple of fights between them. While my neighbors were on vacation two of them climbed up on their roof while they were not there and just sat on the roof. I would like to know what my options are as far as reporting these incidents since I see them getting nothing but worse in the future. Especially this summer. Please advise me where I should call to report this and maybe get a patrol car to stop by there to tell them to leave. I would do it myself however I do not want to give these kids any ammunition to accuse me of any kind of abuse towards them.