Bob Pettapiece

  • 1400-1448 Rivard St Detroit, MI, 48207, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    There are 4 orange & white markers from the Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept. which have been left from repair work over a month ago. They are resting up against a (no) parking sign.
  • Potholes Acknowledged
    Exit Ramp From Nb Lodge To Milwaukee Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13
    On the exit ramp from NB Lodge to Grand Blvd. there is a deep pothole.
  • 1000 West Baltimore Street Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13
    The two signals on the east side of Milwaukee at the Lodge Service drive need to turn green at the same time to help traffic flow & so those heading west do not use the western light to go on when the eastern one os still red.