
  • 1700 Market St Oakland 94607, United States - Oak Center
    Maybe better To just remove the broken benches and table if they can’t be maintained —and maintenance must include a mandatory garbage bin/box for my junk food, needles, booze, and swisher wrappers (wait those should be disposed in the gutter). AND more than an imaginary Monday and Friday pickup. There are thousands upon thousands of little pieces of litter, all around the park and school(and does not help when lawn cutter runs over bags of garbage instead of picking up beforehand—plastic is not for mulching —compounds the issue. We all need to contribute but We also need you to actually do the Monday and Friday garbage park pickups please. Citizens need to actively clean up and we also need to fund Públic works and Parks so they can operate proper vacuum trucks. Clean streets and parks contribute to improved physical and mental health for elderly and children and the rest of us! Let’s do this and use this park as an example of how it is done!!
  • 672 17th St Oakland, CA 94612, USA - San Pablo Gateway
    Already reported under 619689 and city reported resolved but not resolved. Now there is also a mattress. This is a daily issue 365 days per year. Can city help with long term solution? Garbage can that gets picked up frequently? Waste management contract for all these random corners in the ghetto? Anything to minimize blight?
  • Other Open
    1632 West Street Oakland, CA 94612, USA - Oak Center
    Ridiculous structure on 2nd floor above corner store creating blight across from beautiful park
  • 1821 Myrtle Street Oakland, CA 94607, USA - Ralph Bunche
    Old ripped up couch has been on corner of myrtle and 18th street for many weeks. Please help dispose of.
  • Graffiti Acknowledged
    1703 Brush Street Oakland, CA 94612, USA - San Pablo Gateway
    Please can you address the egregious graffiti on this corner. Between "MIKE" and ""sHOVEL", they are plastering the area.
  • Graffiti Acknowledged
    700-732 17th Street Oakland, CA 94612, USA - San Pablo Gateway
    Big tags on green fence Southwest corner of brush and 17th St. This area has gotten destroyed the past 8 weeks. Please help clean up! blight attracts more blight
  • Graffiti Archived
    Grove Shafter Freeway Oakland, CA 94612, USA - San Pablo Gateway
    18st overpass was just abated and was tagged again the past day or two on fence and concrete
  • Graffiti Archived
    1801-1899 West Street Oakland, CA 94612, USA - Ralph Bunche
    Entrance to West Oakland at Northwest corner of 18th and Brush Street. Graffiti on utility boxes and light poles across the street