
  • Weybosset St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Quinnipiac
    Weybosset street between Cross St and Cranston Street need a traffic flow parking restriction like on Ramsdell st going towards Fairfield St where you can go down street without big vehicle having to wait behind parked cars to navigate street everyday it already has speed bumps now narrow lanes so they cant park there use their driveways as driveways
  • Chapel St & Sherman Ave New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Dwight
    Pinsky Law truck needs to be moved off corner a permanent fixture hard for larger vehicles to turn left off chapel onto Sherman ave without maneuvering and slowing the movement of heavy traffic causing issues very heavy traffic corner
  • Lyman St & State St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Cedar Hill
    Car parked on state street right before corner of Lyman street making it hard for big vehicles to make a left onto to state st from lyman st in heavy traffic