Deering Center Resident

  • Payson Park - Portland
    Please consider painting lane markers with left and right turn arrows. All too many times people unfamiliar with the area don't realize this section is one way with two lanes and try to make left turns from the right lane.
  • Streets Archived
    230 Pleasant Ave Portland, Maine, 04103 - Portland
    Contractor working on the house leaves sawhorses and sometimes a large trailer in the street overnight and over entire weekends as if they own the spot. Some neighbors are threatening to dispose of the sawhorses and it would be better to have the city speak to the contractors. It's a public street, not a private parking area.
  • Pothole Archived
    24 Elmwood St Portland, Maine, 04103 - Portland
    Deep pothole in the vicinity of 24-32 Elmwood St., perhaps 8 inches to a foot in diameter.
  • Streets Archived
    Mabel St Portland, Maine, 04103 - Portland
    The entire length of Mabel Street is deteriorated to the point of being a serious hazard. It's an alignment buster, suspension killer and tire cutter. We've lived in the neighborhood for 21 years and never has that street seen any attention from the city and, even though it's an old cliche it's very true, I'm wondering what the residents here are paying taxes for. Especially when we recently saw Candlewyck St. taken down to the base material and completely rebuilt when it didn't need it. Just a reminder, The City of Portland, by law, is responsible for damages done to vehicles due to poor street conditions and patience is wearing thin in the neighborhood.
  • Pothole Archived
    18 Warwick St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    When is this crater going to be repaired? It's close to 6 inches deep and sinking deeper by the day. It was a poor patch job without proper compaction and it's been there all winter. It fills with water quickly and masks the danger and any damage to vehicles will, by law, be on the City of Portland. No excuse for letting it go this long.
  • Pothole Archived
    34 New St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Potholes forming on New Street.
  • Pothole Archived
    Fernald St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Two large potholes (and growing) in Payson Park.
  • Leland St & New St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    There has been a bicycle chained to the street sign for several weeks. Vegetation is growing around it now.
  • Parking Archived
    24 Best St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    A camper trailer has been parked in the street at this location for several weeks. Very close to the intersection (less than the 25 foot minimum).
  • 8 Best St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    This tree is getting worse and there is yet to be any word on the status of this report. Power lines are in danger if this comes down in a strong wind.
  • 8 Best St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    For the 3rd time in the past 6 weeks recycling has not been collected and this time several streets in the neighborhood have not had garbage picked up. This is getting old, our recycle bin is full and the city won't pick up an additional box full unless it's in their bins. Please do your jobs!
  • 92 Madeline St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    There is a long object (looks like a power line safety cover) dangling from the power lines and swinging wildly in the breeze.
  • Best St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Second time in 3 weeks, recycling bins left on the street uncollected.
  • Speeding Archived
    Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    There have been several comments/complaints about speeders on Ludlow St. A few years ago the Deering Center Neighborhood Assoc. pushed to have a four way stop placed at Ludlow & Jeanne/Fuller Streets and it's gone a long way to slow traffic. It seems to lend merit to making all way stops at every intersection along Ludlow St. north of Jeanne & Fuller. There have been calls for speed bumps but we all know from Stevens Ave and Capisic St. they don't work and stop signs seem the least expensive solution. And it just may discourage short-cutters because it may take longer to get from Stevens to Brighton Aves with all the stops.
  • Pothole Archived
    231 Pleasant Ave Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Potholes opening up on Pleasant Ave.
  • Pothole Archived
    Stevens Ave & Walton St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Several potholes opening up at Stevens Ave and Walton St.
  • Best St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Several recycle bins not emptied on Best, Madeline and Mabel Streets.
  • 53 Mabel St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    White car, possibly a Dodge, snowed in and facing the wrong direction between 53 and 59 Mabel St. Been left for almost two weeks. Rear plate has been removed but front plate still on the vehicle. With snow coming this week it should be removed.
  • 27 Candlewyck Ter Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    A black Honda Accord with no plates has been parked in the street (facing the wrong direction) for several days. It still have snow plowed around it from the last storm a week ago.
  • 254 Pleasant Ave Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    This is the only heading I could find that might apply. There has been a car parked in the street for weeks with a storage cover over it. It hasn't been moved and appears the Owner plans to leave it there over the winter. This is going to make a mess of things once snow starts flying and it should be moved or towed.