
  • 44 Marshall Street Medford Massachusetts - Medford
    Marshall Street has not been plowed at all. It is nearly impassable in sections. A car is actively stuck in the middle of the street in front of my house as I write this.
  • 44 Marshall Street Medford, Massachusetts - Medford

    Hi - A city crew kindly removed a tree stump in the Fall of 2015. Following that, a nice gentleman from the city came by and asked if asphalt would be OK for the winter as the season was drawing to a close and he had some other priorities for his concrete crew. He assured me it was temporary and they would be back in the Spring. We were happy to oblige. In the Spring of 2016, I had asked in issue ID 2381518 about replacement of the asphalt during the summer season.

    It is now Summer of 2017 and I have not seen any activity on the original inquiry since that time. I am still hoping to have the asphalt replaced with concrete. All other walkways in the neighborhood are concrete, with the exception of areas surrounding large trees. There has been sidewalk work in the neighborhood recently so I am hoping we can be confirmed as on the list for this season.

    Thanks for the consideration!

  • 44 Marshall Street Medford Massachusetts - Medford
    Hi - Crew kindly removed a tree stump last fall. A nice gentleman from the city came by and asked if asphalt would be OK for the winter as the season was drawing to a close and he had some other priorities for his concrete crew. We were happy to oblige. With the weather turning, just wanted to ensure this location is on the list to have the asphalt replaced with concrete. Thanks!