
  • 384 Ludlow St Portland, Maine, 04102 - Portland
    With only two days left in the month of January for Christmas tree cycling, will our tree be collected?
  • 384 Ludlow St Portland, Maine, 04102 - Portland
    There is a continuing problem with our neighbor's barking dog at 376 Ludlow St.
    I include below two past archived reports for this problem which has continued since 07/31/2021.
    More recently, I attempted to reach out to the Animal Control Officer directly and left a message, yet she does not return my calls to address my concern. With the time our neighbors have been given to correct and the control officer knowing how this barking is a problem to us, I now feel calling the control officer once again is perhaps no use. I also do not want to reach the non-emergency number, and I am sure the officer's department has many more essential duties.
    I also did, recently and with calmness, ring their doorbell and, when answered, ask why they can't train the dog not to bark. The door was closed with no answer; therefore, I have no intention of future interaction with the neighbors about this.
    There are well-established methods to train a dog not to bark, and I would hope the animal control officer could assist them with those, yet also make clear to our neighbors that as much as we hate to report the barking, the owners aren't showing much concern for correcting as this.
    Issue ID: 10549027
    Reported: on 07/31/2021
    Issue ID: 11121350
    Reported: on 09/19/2021
  • Dead Animal Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, Maine, 04102 - Portland
    Dead squirrel on sidewalk on the opposite side of the street of my address.
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, Maine, 04102 - Portland
    There is some serious speeding occurring on Ludlow Street, between Sonnet Lane and Candlewyck Road. While there are many drivers passing through greater than the neighborhood posted speed limit of 25 MPH, there are several drivers on a daily basis who are grossly speeding. My educated guess would be 45-50+ MPH. There has also been drivers racing or following each other at a high rate of speed. I have seen this more than once. I have submitted a petition request to the city for a traffic calming study. In the mean time, I would like to report this on going issue in our neighborhood for PPD awareness.
  • Streets Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    A recent request by a resident stating, "Ludlow street between Fuller and the end has no stop signs or speed bumps. As a result, cars drive far over the speed limit of 25." is accurate. I have reported here as a police issue on several occasions., Every day speeding at our end of Ludlow street has become very concerning. Between Wayside Rd and Candlewyck Rd. The entire length of Ludlow St is 25 MPH. While Ludlow St is becoming more traveled, many vehicles greatly exceed the posted speed limit. Perhaps 5 MPH over is expected, yet a more significant number of cars exceed 40 MPH. While outdoors and even inside the house, I can hear these careless drivers' engine (s) approaching. Even the school buses continue not to obey the posted speed limit. Some have discussed calming traffic measures, though this process takes time and is not always accepted. I have expressed in the past here and to our District Councilor that I don't expect the PPD to sit on our street constantly. However, if the department is made more aware of a severe problem with speeding, some ideas may curb this dangerous activity. Today, I reached out to the city clerk requesting the petition form to petition or determine preliminary eligibility for calming traffic measures. Following the City of Portland Traffic and Motor Vehicles Code of Ordinances Chapter 28 Sec. 28-244 Rev.8-15-13. I will hopefully meet the requirements to send forth back to the city for proper routing. Yes, this is a street with many walkers, bikers, and pets and is not safe with this ongoing disregard for the neighborhood speed limit.
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    Please, someone needs to reach out to the Portland School Department and advise their school bus drivers to obey the posted speed limit of 25 MPH on Ludlow Street. I have viewed every school bus driving to and from Amanda C Rowe School as if they were on Brighton Avenue, having a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. It saddens me to think those drivers don’t recognize that obeying posted speed limits is also a responsibility of their safe driving whether there are children onboard or not. It is bad enough that regular vehicle traffic operators ignore our neighborhood speed limit daily, yet also disturbing is seeing the school busses traveling much greater than the posted speed limit. This is my second attempt at reporting this on 10/26/2021. Issue ID: 11375073
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    More and more traffic traveling on this end of Ludlow Street ignores our neighborhood's 25 MPH speed limit. Some vehicles are driving 40+ MPH. I have seen cars above 50 MPH, often. This is very disturbing, yet also very disturbing is seeing the school busses traveling much greater than the posted speed limit.
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland

    The residents at 376 Ludlow St continue to allow their dog to bark. I initially reported this back on 7/31/21, Issue ID: 10549027. I spoke briefly with the animal control officer, and I recently reported to PPD via non-emergency when the dog was barking very early in the morning before 7 AM. This morning being Sunday, the barking was also very early.

    I have even in the past initially expressed my concern to the owners, yet the barking persists daily.

    The dog barks continuously indoors when anyone walking a dog by on the sidewalk, then the barking stops. Yet when they let the dog out in the backyard, the dog barks until it let it back into the house.

    The owners aren’t showing much concern for correcting as this has been going on for some time.

  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland

    The residents at 376 Ludlow St have a dog that the barking is now disturbing our peace. I have in the past spoken to the owners yet the barking persists.

    The dog barks continuously indoors when anyone walking a dog by on the sidewalk, then the barking stops. I sort of understand this, yet when they let the dog out in the backyard the dog barks until let back into the house.

    All I am looking for is someone from the city to speak with the owners. We do not wish to make this a police issue, yet we do not wish to continue being disturbed by this dogs barking.

  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    I am aware of numerous complaints on Ludlow St. of speeding vehicles. This is not the first time, I have requested police being at the very least knowledgeable of this problem.
    Understanding Ludlow St. provides a thoroughfare to adjacent neighborhoods, I cannot understand the continued disrespect for the neighborhood posted speed limit of 25 MPH. Honestly, I am witnessing drivers greatly exceeding even the posted speed of 35 MPH on Brighton Avenue. Ludlow St. is not a main roadway yet what I am witnessing is of a great concern. Thank You.
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    This not the first time I have reported here about speeding at our end of Ludlow street. Between Wayside Rd and Candlewyck Rd. The posted speed limit is 25 MPH. While t Ludlow is becoming even more traveled, many vehicles greatly exceed the posted speed limit. Perhaps 5 MPH over is expected, yet there are a few vehicles that are exceeding 40 MPH. While outdoors and even inside the house, I can hear these careless driver's engine (s) approaching. Traffic calming measures have been discussed between some, though this is a process that takes time and is not always accepted. I have expressed in the past here and to our District Councilor, I don't expect the PPD to sit on our street constantly. However, if the department is made more aware of a severe problem with speeding, some ideas may curb this dangerous activity. Thank You.
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    While I am not expecting our police department to provide a constant presence on Ludlow St, I, along with many neighbors, are seeking perhaps an awareness of serious speeding that is going on in our neighborhood. Yes, there is much traffic on Ludlow street as it is a thoroughfare to Warrick St. While changing that would take a different endeavor with the city, I have witnessed vehicles traveling at much greater speeds than the posted 25 MPH. I suspect much greater than 10 MPH over. I've viewed some vehicles at breakneck, unsafe, and unacceptable speeds. While researching other communication avenues with our city, I felt a need to share them here. Thank you.
  • 201 Pleasant Ave Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Please check the timing for this traffic light. From Pleasant Avenue the green light barely allows one car to travel before it quickly turns yellow then red. If a vehicle is turning onto Stevens Avenue other vehicles will have to wait as not to cause a traffic violation.
  • Lawn Damage Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    Sidewalk plow damage.
  • Streets Archived
    38 Prospect St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    Roadway hazard inappropriately marked, no prior warning.
    Earlier tonight, my wife turned on to Prospect St and was abruptly met with this hazard, only marked with a rope. I just had to view for myself. I wonder why the city has not marked and provided prior warning in a more safety minded manner.
  • Police Issue Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    Ludlow Street is literally becoming a race track. I am not exaggerating. From some guy on a sports motorcycle, several times today and other days, to so many other vehicles clearly exceeding the posted 25 MPH. What concerns me the most is this guy on the motorcycle and other vehicles that have possibly reached two times the posted speed limit. I would love to see the thoroughfare to Warwick Street be eliminated, though understand that would take a different process to accomplish. In the mean time, I wish to make the concerns known to PPD. Thanks
  • Lawn Damage Archived
    384 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland

    The sidewalk plow missed it's mark on the most recent storms. We certainly appreciate the sidewalk plow, though would just like to get the city grass strip placed on the repair list. I suspect the other strips on this sidewalk have similar damage.


  • Pothole Archived
    272 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    Very bad pothole at this location. I've marked an X on this image. I stopped this morning, though the hole is full of water, so one could not tell much if I took a picture. There are other bad potholes along Ludlow St from Stevens Ave down through, though this one is very difficult to avoid prior to the island.
  • 367 Ludlow St Portland, ME, 04102, USA - Portland
    Sidewalk between Four Winds Rd and Sonnet Ln was not completely plowed. Section is on the city plow list.
  • Lawn Damage Archived
    182 Woodfords St Portland, Maine - Portland
    Recently the city did have the road construction sign removed from my lawn. Though as you can see in the attached pictures our lawn has now turned brown from the sign being placed on my property. I have also included a picture of the construction sign that was moved from my property to the properties lawn adjacent to my house. This shouldn't be, as they cause unnecessary damage.