
  • Bulk Trash Reconhecido
    4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Cut limbs and stump from bush in alley.
  • Bulk Trash Arquivado
    4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Small bush stump along with 4" limbs cut into 3 foot length need to be picked up in the alley behind 4301 Park Ave.
  • Street Lighting Arquivado
    4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens

    Street light out in alley:
    Second street light from Sauer in alley behind 4301 Park Ave
    Pole numbers: VP EE30, HOOO3

    This is the second time that I have reported this issue. First case #3965749 was closed without being resolved.

  • Street Lighting Arquivado
    4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Street light out in alley:
    Second street light from Sauer in alley behind 4301 Park Ave
    Pole numbers: VP EE30, HOOO3
  • Bulk Trash Arquivado
    4301 Park Ave Richmond Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Limbs from tree and brush. Sauer Ave side of 4301 Park Ave.
  • Bulk Trash Arquivado
    4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Large limbs from dead branch in tree and brush.
  • Bulk Trash Arquivado
    4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
  • 4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Leaves and Branches
  • 4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Limbs / branches / bushes for pickup on corner of park and sauer.
  • 4301 Park Ave Richmond, Virginia - Malvern Gardens
    Branches and Limbs (bundled), Mattress, Curtain Headers