
  • Webster Street Tube Alameda, CA, 94501, USA - Alameda
    Greg Coogan, Ballena Bay posted on Nextdoor less than an hour ago

    Hi Everyone, Heads up, the right lane of the Webster tube on the Alameda side has a major pothole just as you exit the tunnel. Blew my tire out immediately. Lots of hubcaps there indicate it’s not a new problem. If you work for the city, please fix it. Greg
  • 1250 Hawthorne St Alameda, California - Alameda
    What are the hours for residential ACI service? 7 am seems a traditonal earliest reasonable start time .This morning, at exactly 6:30 am, an ACI truck backed down the entire length of our street with the back up alarm going the whole time, louder than any alarm clock. This was NOT the collection truck, which normally doesn't show until 7 or later. This was the "cart" truck for drop offs and pick ups, certainly not "critical" at 6:30 am. Please enforce or arrange "quiet hours" for neighborhoods. If they MUST operate so early, they should route themselves on streets that don't require using "back up" alarms before 7 am. Generally speaking, I applaud and appreciate ACI services; however, this issue could definitely use improvement.
  • 1250 Hawthorne St Alameda, California - Alameda

    sidewalk repair: Hawthorne Street was posted for no parking (one side) for 3 days(11/16-11/18, 7 :30 am - 5pm). No work was done at all the first two days. I called Public Works the afternoon of 11/17 to ask why work hadn't started and questioning the necessity of the no parking signs if they WEREN'T going to start immediately. This morning, a Rosas construction truck showed up and (about 8 am) started running a noisy machine on the sidewalk/driveway 2 doors down from me. By about 10 am, this worker was gone. Examination of the area(s) showed no evidence of any "repair". It clearly appeared this company made a show of "starting work" and is now done for the day. Still, the no parking signs remain and the dates on them unchanged. With no work done at all, that means we soon face another period of parking restriction.

    Although I know repair work can be difficult to predict with certainty, restricting a full 50% of our parking for three full days with absolutely no work performed or parking restrictions lifted, is totally unreasonable. It affects not only residents, but also visitors and local contractors doing residential work.

    Request the city require and enforce better planning from their subcontractors. Residents do their best to facilitate public works projects and take seriously a threat of towing for non-compliance. The city must require their contractors/ sub-contractors to be equally as responsible and considerate. Contractors who fail to perform appropriately should be sanctioned.

  • potholes Archived
    1250 Hawthorne St Alameda, California - Alameda
    2 potholes in front of residence (adjacent to two different driveways). They just keep growing. One is a full 3 " below the concrete street gutter edging for a distance of about 2 feet. Anyone who hits it wrong pulling in to park, will knock their wheels out of alignment. The other hole is not as bad, but needs repair since I just learned Hawthorne St is NOT scheduled to be resurfaced at this time.