• Traffic Signal Acknowledged
    349–399 Canco Rd Portland ME 04103, United States - Portland

    At 4:30 pm, Traffic on Canco is backed up with people trying to make a left turn on Washington.

    The traffic signal is only letting one or two cars through at a time. there’s 20 to 30 cars in line trying to make a left turn. Please look at adjusting the light!

  • 349–399 Canco Rd Portland ME 04103, United States - Portland
    Traffic is backed up on Canco because cars turning onto Washington are only being let through two or three at a time. Please fix this!
  • 88–98 Western Promenade Portland 04102, United States - Portland
    Trash cans on the western prom are overflowing especially at the end closest to the river.
  • 28 Gray Rd Falmouth 04105, United States - Cumberland County
    Hello, the driveway to the trail parking lot has been washed out and now has gullies and potholes. It makes entering and exiting quickly difficult, especially with traffic is moving at a good clip. Thank you.
  • Sidewalks Archived
    162 Canco Rd Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    Someone dumped an old couch on the sidewalk.
  • 2-78 George St Portland, ME, 04103, USA - Portland
    The small park and cemetery on George Street is very overgrown and needs a mow. Thank you!
  • Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    Traffic on ocean turning left on Forrest is all backed up because the signal only lets 2-3 cars through at a time. Please fix!
  • Street Signs Archived
    2–106 Carlyle Rd Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    The Carlyle Road street sign at Ocean Avenue is tilted, crooked, and leaning off center. Could you help straighten it out? Thank you!
  • Dead Animal Archived
    165 Read St Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    Dead raccoon in the shoulder.
  • 53 Carlyle Rd Portland 04103, United States - Portland


    We have a damaged tree in front of our home, 53 Carlyle Rd. It’s been dropping branches all winter and there’s a gash in the bark. Could someone come look at it and possibly remove it? Ideally, it would be replaced with another tree.

    Thank you.

  • Street Signs Archived
    300–312 State St Portland 04101, United States - Portland
    Please improve the traffic signs at this intersection. The lanes shift unexpectedly and it’s not well marked. Drivers are constantly cutting each other off in advertently. Some extra signs might help.
  • Tree - Down Archived
    53 Carlyle Rd Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    Limb down from City tree. It was in the street and we pulled it into our yard.
  • Trail Maintenance Acknowledged
    Portland 04103 United States - Portland
    The trail and road around the city landfill and solar panels received significant damage in the last rain storm. There are deep gullies in the waking path. Some of the deepest ravines appear to be 2 - 4 feet deep with some drainage pipes exposed.
  • Parking Archived
    776 Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    Hello, at this point in the road there is a very narrow shoulder, and there are regularly one or two cars parked on the street in the evenings around house # 776. The car sticks out into the road and makes for a hazard for drivers and pedestrians, especially in the dark. This should be a no parking area.
  • Tree - Down Archived
    1040 Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    At the Quarry Run Dog Park a tree has come down on the fence-line and is bending the wire fence down to the ground. The tree is also partially blocking the walking path. It’s immediately to the left when walking in the main gate.
  • Heavy Item Archived
    934 Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    A couch has been dumped on the service road between the Quarry dog park and the Dragon Products Company. This road is part of the Ocean Avenue recreation area trails.
  • 934 Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland

    The Ocean Avenue Recreation area and trail behind the Quarry dog park is open to public vehicles and creating a hazardous situation.
    Please close the service road to vehicles. Please install signs, a chain across the driveway, or a gate as soon as possible.

    The trail is being used by vehicles for off-roading - they are speeding and creating a dangerous situation with dogs and hikers. Today there was a Jeep Wrangler doing laps and when I tried to flag them down they went faster. Someone also dumped off a couch on the side of the road. I see a similar post classified as a police issue due to safety concerns. I wholehearted agree.

    In the short term, please do something to prevent unauthorized vehicles from accessing the trail.

  • 960 Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland

    There is some sort of cable or heavy wire protruding from the ground. It’s located in the upper level of the park, and there is a orange traffic cone next to it. I tried to pull it out and it’s buried.

    We’re very lucky to have this park, but it needs some serious attention. In addition to this wire, there are bricks coming out of the ground and brush that needs to be cleared back. The fence needs to be reinforced and the gates latches are broken or don’t fully close.

    There also needs to be a second garbage can, ideally on the upper level, due to the amount of use this park receives.

  • Trees Archived
    56 Carlyle Rd Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    The City cut down a tree that was unhealthy and dropped limbs this winter. Please also remove the stump. Thank you!
  • 1026 Ocean Ave Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    The main gate at the Quarry Run dog park is broken and being held together with a leash. Additionally, the fence son either side of the main gate are sagging and leaning and need to be reinforced. Thank you.