Vallejo Resident

  • Tueolumne Street Vallejo, California - Vallejo
    The miles per hour limit signs are being covered and hidden by trees. Is this section 25 MPH zone being in a school zone or is it 35 MPH? It currently states 35 MPH and I am pretty sure it needs to be 25 MPH. Please review the street signs on both directions on Tuolumne street near Cooper Elementary. Thank you!
  • Redwood Street Vallejo, California - Vallejo
    Thank you for fixing the on-ramp into I-80 West. However, the off ramp from I-80 exiting Redwood Street West is a nightmare. Vehicle stop or drive all the way to the left to avoid the poorly done repairs of the potholes. Not only is it damaging our vehicles but it is in dangerous conditions, especially when it rains. Not safe! Please review this area and contact Cal-Trans to make these repairs. Thank you in advance.