McKinley Blues

  • 990 Allenbrook Ln Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    Try actually doing the work this time. Don’t close this ticket until the pothole has actually been repaired!
  • 1566–1584 Jones Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    Dead deer 🙁
  • 990 Allenbrook Ln Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
  • 2–8 Woodstock Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    How long must that absurd pothole exist at the corner of Woodstock and Canton before someone addresses it? I see cases from December that indicate it’s been acknowledged. Do us all a favor— don’t condescend to acknowledge this record, just send someone out to fix it.
  • 10883–10885 Woodstock Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    Who’s the imbecile in charge of keeping mud off the road? It wouldn’t take a genius to add a wheel wash station! The city needs to buy me a car wash!
  • 10857–10875 Woodstock Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    Someone needs to address the mud on the roadway in front of the new middle school construction site.
  • 11215 Woodstock Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    A dead raccoon is on the sidewalk. He looks like he’s about to pop like a balloon!
  • 10945 Woodstock Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
  • 10944 Woodstock Rd Roswell 30075, United States - Roswell
    Some utility (I saw AGL in this location, so I suspect it was them) cut a hole in the road. There’s now a square hole that’s approximately 37 feet deep. It seems someone needs to learn the childhood lesson to put things back how you found them.
  • Illegal Signs Archived
    1028 Alpharetta Street Roswell, Georgia - Roswell

    Eagle Parking left a sign blocking the sidewalk at the corner of Green St and Alpharetta St. It forced pedestrians to walk in the street to get around the sign. Moreover, it blocked the view of vehicles exiting Green St onto Alpharetta St. Clearly, these are serious safety concerns!

    I moved the sign to the side, but couldn't move it any farther because it's attached to the telephone pole with a bicycle lock. I don't believe they have a right to use that right-of-way for their signage, nor do they have a right to attach a sign to a telephone pole.

    I called the number on the sign to inform them that I moved the sign to the side. The person I spoke with said that wasn't his sign and I needed to speak with someone else. How can he claim it wasn't his sign when IT HAS HIS PHONE NUMBER ON IT??

    I suggest you cut the lock, throw the sign away, and assess a stiff fine for the parking company. ...And if you get a chance to stick a taser on the jerk who answers their phone, I'll promise not to tell.

  • Vickery Creek Park Trail Roswell, Georgia - Roswell

    About a month ago, there was a trail run on the Vickery Creek trails. The organizers spray painted trees and rocks, ostensibly guiding runners on their "course." Orange spray arrows will now remain on the trees and rocks forever. I am furious and want to know who organized the run and what they plan to do to fix the trails.

    Moreover, they sent runners down a hill that is NOT a trail. It has caused irreparable damage to the hill, which will lead to extensive erosion.

    I assume the race coordinator filed a permit with the City or Roswell. I want to know that they will be financially responsible for the repairs, and not the city (and my tax dollars).

  • 1125-1199 Allenbrook Lane Roswell, Georgia - Roswell
    I'm tired of the entrance to Barrington Manor looking like a dirt road. If it continues, I'm going to demand someone start paying for weekly car washes for all residents. Moreover, the trucks have used the cul-de-sacs as a turn-around and have dumped gravel far away from the job site.