
  • 308 West 700 North Salt Lake City, Utah - Capitol Hill
    Hi, I just wanted to bring something to your attention that would be helpful for many of the residents in this area. Currently, the only crosswalk across 300 W in our area is at the 600 N intersection, but there are many residents who unsafely cross the street at the 700 N. intersection. This intersection is frequented by pedestrians from the neighborhood (which includes many apartments and town homes), often walking their dogs to Warm Springs Park on the other side of 300 W. Currently, there's no marked crosswalk and people drive quickly through this section of the road. Would there be a way to have a crosswalk added at this intersection? I don't think anything will stop people from crossing here and they're doing so in an unsafe manner currently. Our neighborhood is growing quickly, so this may start happening more frequently. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help make this a reality. Thanks!