M. Mani

  • Illegal Dumping Acknowledged
    Marlink Houston, TX 77025, United States of America - Southwest
    Neighbors witness individuals living at 9810 Marlink Lane dumping 10-12 big black trash bags onto Link Valley. The trash is now spilling out of the bags onto street with insects and rats rummaging through the bags.
  • Other Acknowledged
    9722 Cliffwood Dr - Rice
    Trash not picked up for 3 weeks at my house and 4 of my neighbors. The trucks just drive by. We are not currently living in the home flooded but we are in process of rebuilding. Why is our trash deliberately not being picked up? Other homes that flooded on Cliffwood look uninhabited but people are living there and their trash is also not being picked up. This is the 9700 block of Cliffwood. Plse pick up our trash and recycling as scheduled. Thanks