
  • 6305 Newtown Circle Tampa, FL - Town 'n' Country
    My suggestion is to look at a large city like New York, buses travel from Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island (and the) Bronx all functional, quick and easy, oh! And complete.
    Hire a person from a big city, show them the maps and get a better bus route. If a large city can operate functionally, why can’t Tampa?
    My biggest worry is when I cannot drive anymore (,) what do I do to get around(?) Do I have to move back to the state I came from in order to get around (?) That scares me as well as others with the same thought.
    When people consider moving here, they consider all these things. If more people ride, it will save wear and tear on highways (and) bridges, get traffic moving, less accidents, less bikers getting hit, less pollution, a less stressful lifestyle. These grand long entrances to communities is such a trip from the curb to their address, we have to do something to solve.
    Thank you for your continual interest in making Tampa a desirable city to live.
    Yours truly,
    Louise Frost.