Corey Willix

  • 2610 E Main St Bridgeport, Connecticut - Bridgeport

    On the corner of Hawthorne and Glenwood Ave ( near the CVS located at 2610 E Main Street, Bridgeport, CT) there is a stop sign that looks like it is bleached out and is no longer legible. Driving at nite I actually RAN the stop sign b/c i did not see it at all. .. So i drove back and took a picture of it. Please replace it right away before someone else runs the sign - especially at nitetime where it is hard to see the sign - and possibly kills someone!

    Also is there any way you can email me back stating that you received this message and the town will do something about it? I feel whenever I submit on websites like this it goes into a black hole never to be seen from again.
    Thank you -
    Corey willix